Misaki stairs part 3

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Yashiro fell going through a strange state of piece, before waking up to a familiar voice and felt a poke on her forehead "she's dead" " how do you know?" it was some Moki that SOMEHOW made it here "are you there?" she sighed relief. "I'm fine" Nene checked to make sure she was fine and sighed a relief looking around she was standing on a set of stairs like those at her school "where am I?" Nene walked around surveying her environment when she ran into a table filled with papers that scattered everywhere "ow.." looking down she saw a book titled 'DONT READ' she turned to the first page see it was the diary of a girl who used to come to this school and was a student of Misaki, the book also contained a class picture with Misaki and a few notes about how Misaki took care of her and gave her a pair of hair cutting scissors but a few pages after it grew darker mentioning that Misaki didn't come one day, then another or 20 pages it said 'Misaki didn't come today' on the last page it wrote "today I heard a scary rumor that one of the teachers died on the stairway to school, I don't understand what died means I'll ask Misaki when he comes back but I fear he won't so until he does I'll just have to make my own" the last sentence echoed all around Nene as if the very trees were speaking when suddenly the sun set and the lights along the stairs lit up and the sound of heels hitting the concrete rose behind Nene. "this was your journal wasn't it?" the woman in white walked closer brandishing her scissors that were long enough to be called a sword "yes it was" "and you're not Misaki" the woman stepped closer with each passing second "no, I'm collecting his body I figured using his name would eliminate explanations" Nene dropped the book "how could you?" she teared up "you murdered children, students just to make you feel better!" she pointed her finger at the woman "your a monster" the woman, still walking towards her didn't smile nor frown her face had no emotion "I suppose, but I don't care" Nene looked down seeing the dolls had grabbed her legs not allowing her to move "you love Misaki yet you kill innocent students, wouldn't he just be angry with you?" number 2 smiled "of course he would, he treasured every student as if they were his own and I DON'T CARE!" number 2 punch Yashiro so hard she flew into a tree nearby and pinned her down with the scissors "it's what I want, to hear his voice again no matter what it says and I'll do anything to get it." Yashiro screamed Hanako's name as the blades began to close before they could an orb appeared from Nene's pocket blocking the blow and knocking it out of number 2's hands. "number 7..." Hanako summoned his orb back to him "good work my friend" Hanako, and the boy in white stood side by side beat up and worse for wear but they made it "come Midori-jodai" a green orb came out of Yashiro's hair causing everyone to look at the boy in white who now held it in his hand "what, never seen a Jodai with a green color to it?" he looked at Midori and hugged it tight until it disappeared into him "how did you-" the boy in white interrupted number 2 and pointed at her "you have committed a great sin of greed and shall be punished accordingly" he now wore a cap very much like Hanako's but the symbol was missing "now we dance, number 7 get Nene, the fox is mine!" he grinned as he drew his rapier up and out of his coat and stanced up number 2. "fine my dolls will be more than enough" with a motion all of her dolls charged at Nene only to be cut up by Hanako "come quickly, this way" he whispered to Nene "wait where's Kou?" he put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a little plush Kou with staff in hand "we fought to the bitter end" she jumped on dolls heads and got past as the boy in white clashed with number 2 "I have got to know number 2, did you want to murder those kids?" he pushed his blade against her scissors with all of his might "did it bring you pleasure to them cut up?" he went for the killing stroke but broke the scissors instead "are you guilty of these crimes committed?" pointing his rapier at her throut "must I judge you myself or will you stand before the jury?" he smirked "I've always wanted to do that, and it is a pleasure to meet you number 2, oh and goodbye" as Yashiro pulled the seal of the hair trimmers the whole boundary cracked as number 2's power was drained.

Yashiro woke up to see the stairs as if it was day again and the class photo was being taken right in front of her eyes seeing a little girl with blond hair and fox-like eyes sitting with the teacher from the photo "Misaki" she said to her self watching as the children got ready but the girl in white was gone, before Misaki pulled her out of the statue and took the photo. Yashiro woke up again in front of the stairs they climbed before this whole mess started in the real world knowing just a little more about her former adversary and Hanako was there standing over her waiting for her to wake up "Yashiro... wakey wakey." she opened her eyes "did we do it?" Hanako was dancing "yep we did and you almost missed my celebration party, it lasted for like 2 seconds but hey it happened" Yashiro took Kou out from her pocket "will he be OK, and Aoi and the others?" Hanako picked up something from the ground "yes, I intend to take care of it soon enough, by her" showing a white fox with paws and a bell "who's that?" "that-" appearing from the darkness the boy in white came "is the real form of the Misaki stairs." adjusting his coat "careful, she bites" booping the fox's nose and giggling to himself while the fox got riled up "I teach you what happens when you touch me without a warning" she squirmed as much as she could but Hanako held his grip "what's going to happen to people who became dolls?" number 2 stopped moving "they'll turn into their boring old selves, I'm too weak to do anything else" her ears dropped "they won't even remember me" Hanako let her sit on the floor where she curled up and sat there "hey, I'm still mad at you and I won't forgive you for what happened down there" Yashiro pulled out the photo of Misaki and the girlfrom her pocket and gave it to her" but even if I had a good reason I still broke something of your's and I hope you can forgive me okay, little fox?" she  reached out to pet number 2's ears but was stopped by the boy in white "remember, personal space" he let her hand go "it's not going to be easy to just get over everything so give her some time" number 2 climbed the stairs with the photo and stopped on the 4th step"my name is Yako, next time you call me 'little fox' I'll tear off your hand and eat it." turning back up the stairs she left. Yashiro got up "what a jerk" as she held her hand whispering "what would that even feel like" before her thoughts were interrupted by how tired she was as she sort of fell onto a wall "wow, when did I get so tired?" she yawned as she started to slump "good hold on for just one sec Yashiro you deserve a reward after all" Hanako reached over her head and pecked a kiss on her cheek "there, it's a good luck charm" Yashiro went as red as a tomato and yelled "WHAT!?!" the boy in white tapped Hanako on the shoulder "my turn?" the boy smiled jokingly "no." Hanako making his pouty face at him replied while holding Nene in his arms "why so serious boss" the boy covered his mouth knowing he made an accident. "boss? what are you talking about"  the boy began to shake "well, you were kinda the leader in there you know pointing us in the right direction and so forth" Hanako pulled Yashiro even closer to him and pulled out his knife "who are you? one of the seven?" the boy in white looked down didn't smile didn't frown his eyes covered by his hair flowing down his face "number 7, sir" he pulled out his rapier "we don't have to do this" Hanako took Yashiro and sat her by the stairs "stay here" he whispered into her ear. the two in white stood 3 feet apart and charged at each other.....

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