𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚒𝚗 𝚖𝚎 𝚊 𝚑𝚊𝚋𝚒𝚝

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the tall boy smiles down at me, his hands coming together quickly with joy.

"hello café girl." he responds, adjusting his beanie slightly.

"hello guitar boy" i shoot back, my gaze falling upon him gently. i run my eyes up and down his outfit, taking in what i already knew.

i watched as he shifted from foot to foot, playing with his fingernails, subtly, but definitely noticeable if you  knew what you were looking for.

his hands rested at his sides, pushed slightly towards the back, probably so nobody would notice the fidgeting.

i smile, gesturing for him to smell the candle i was holding.

"what are you nervous about?" i question as he takes a sniff of the cream-coloured candle.

he halts, only for a moment, before putting on a smile.

"what are you on about?" he asks, handing me a fruity candle.

i take a gentle inhale, before handing the red candle back to him.

"don't play dumb with me, wilbur." i push. i hand him a pumpkin spice candle, and he takes it. giving it a look before opening the top of the glass jar.

"my mother." he admits, giving me a grin smile.

i nod.

"she sick?" i ask.

he nods, smelling the candle i had handed him.

"but not in the way you think." he adds, handing me another fruit candle. watermelon, this time.

"how so?" i ask, reading the label of the candle carefully.

he leans against the shelves.

"you ask a lot of questions, café girl."

"and you leave most of them unanswered, guitar boy." i respond, putting the lid back onto my candle and bringing it down to my side.

i skim over the candles quickly before handing a "vanilla- driftwood" one to wilbur.

"it suits you." i admit, and i smile at him gently. he returns the smile, and looks down at me slightly.

"i like your crystals." he says, gesturing to my many necklaces.

i'd honestly forgotten i was wearing them. putting them on had just become habit.

i smile brightly, "thank you!" i exclaim, with perhaps a bit too much enthusiasm, and he chuckles.

"here, one sec." i say, reaching into my pocket.

i pull out the small rose quartz stone, and place it into his palm.

"now you'll have to find me again, eh?" i say, giving him a smirk.

"it promotes self love, and happiness." i inform. "i know it sounds ridiculous, but it's something i'm really passionate about. just trust me, keep it in your pocket."

he smiles, putting it into the pockets of his light wash jeans, before turning quickly.

he takes off down the aisle before i can realize what he's doing, and i shake my head, the smile still carved into my face.


as i drive home, the watermelon candle beside me in the passenger seat, i remember the way he anxiously fidgeted with his hands in the store.

i remember how he stopped after i pointed it out, but still continued to shift from side to side.

i shake my head, my lips tightening into a slight frown.

please be safe, wilbur.

a/n: sorry for the late chapter loveys. mental health has been a bit all over the place. will update asap. love you all. stay safe, and as always, i'd love your opinions on this chapter.

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