𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚗𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚌, 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞.

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i walk down the street with em, our arms interlocking as we giggle at a remark minx makes.

my dress fit tightly to my skin, making me shiver a little in the evening cold. i pull my small backpack up, as the straps were falling down my arms.

emme makes a remark to me, but i don't hear it, as i'm too focused down the road on the club booming music. i smile as i watch the crowds of people waiting at the door, and i gasp when i realize that i know the bouncer that was working tonight.

"that's paul! oh my god. guys. we have to go to this bar. THIS is the place." i exclaim, pointing to the club.

the name of the bar was the alibi, i'd been frequenting the club since i was legally allowed to drink, the bouncers and bartenders all knew me by name and order. it was quite comical actually. the bass from inside flowed down the street.

my group talks among themself, and we come to the conclusion that we wanted to spend our night at the alibi. i lead our group over to the front door, skipping the line entirely and approaching the bouncer.

"heyyy paul~" i purr, placing my hand on the tall mans shoulder, looking up at him through my eyelashes. "can we come in? it's cold out here.." i complain, my voice heightening and my arms coming together just under my chest. i even shiver a bit to play off the act.

the blonde raises an eyebrow. "you don't need to do that flirty act with me babe. you're allowed in." he winks, smiling and moving the little black rope to allow our group in. he doesn't card em, which makes me drop my tension silently.

as our group enters the bar, i notice cooper squint at the lights. i laugh, taking his arm and leading him, and the rest of our friends, to an unoccupied booth in the corner.

we all settle in, the boys spread out between us. i sit down between travis and cooper, settling my bag between my thighs and pulling out the variety of alcohol i had been gifted earlier. everyone takes their pick, i choose some berry flavored vodka that id never heard of before. the bottle was worth maybe 3 or 4 shots, which was impressive.

everyone cracks open their mini bottles, raising them in a toasting motion and bringing them together to clink in the air.

"to jamie! for being the best sister, friend, and person she could be for the past 22 years." em says, with a smile, and i flush, the compliment meant a lot more to me than they knew.

"and here's to getting shitfaced in honor of jamie." cooper concludes, and we all laugh, clinking our drinks and downing them.

i bring the small plastic bottle to my lips and tip my head back, allowing all of the sharp liquid to flow down my throat. i swallow it all in one go, slamming the plastic bottle down on the table in front of me and smiling at the burn in my chest the drink had left.

the group laughs, a few of them cheering at my impressive show and slamming their bottles down as well.

noah orders another round of shots for the table, and i order myself an extra mixed drink. nothing special, vodka with sprite.

we take a moment to talk as the shots are prepared in front of us. niki comments on a cute guy across the bar, and emme comments on a cute girl. i let my eyes wander across the floor, watching drunk people stumble into each-other, and dance on one another. i could see it all playing out in my head now. finding some guy on the floor. dancing with him for a bit and then going back to his place. i wondered if that was my groups plan as well, to find someone to love for just the night.

i make small talk with cooper, leaning into his shoulder to hear him over the booming music. he talks about how life has been since he moved here, from california. i listen intently, watching him talk. when our shots are prepared, they're passed along the table, everyone bringing their glasses together to clink again before throwing back the tequila.

i sip on my drink. luckily for me, the bartender working tonight always tended to make her drinks a bit strong. cooper makes more small talk, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer.

i grimace. i didn't know what he meant by that. i watch noah raise an eyebrow at me, and i shrug back, seemingly just as confused as he was. i apologize to him quietly "tonight's not your lucky night, coopie." i joke, and he nods, smiling, though a hint of sadness gleamed in his eyes. "maybe next time, birthday girl." he jokes back, and lets go of his grip on my waist. i don't make an effort to scoot away from him. cooper was good at boundaries.

over the next hour or so most of my table dissipates into the crowd. niki, emme, and minx to find people to dance with, the same with noah. only travis, cooper, and i remained at the booth, with all of us probably about 15 shots deep. i could always hold my alcohol well, but i was beginning to feel a bit fuzzy.

not that i didn't like it.

i push myself up from the booth, entrusting cooper with my bag, and begin my walk across the floor. i wander near the middle, earning myself a few slaps on the ass, and some whistles.

and then i see him. at the counter of the bar. there sits the boy id been dying to see all week. there sits wilbur soot.

i approach him silently, tapping on his shoulder when i'm just behind him.

"not interested." he grumbles, giving me the perfect opportunity.

"wow. that one hurt wilbur." i laugh.

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