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Lan Xichen looked at the merchant whom Jiang Cheng shooed away after paying him in behalf of Lan Xichen. Lan Xichen accidentally broke the ceramic cup due to his hand strength he inherited from their clan.

Lan Xichen looked at the back of the laughing merchant who was counting his money, showing off. Lan Xichen's face had the expression that he looked he was very wronged. His eyes full of grievance, and his lips are pouted as if he wanted to complain, defend himself that it was all just an accident. The ceramic cup is fake, yet he had to pay.

Thinking this, he turned to look at Jiang Cheng - the one who paid for him after he realized that his coin purse was gone and that it was stolen from him without him noticing.

"Sect leader Jiang, thank y - " he said as he turned. But before he could continue, he saw Jiang Cheng's figure closing in on him. He stepped back as a reflex, but his back hit the wall behind him. He didn't notice there was a wall behind him. He turned to face Jiang Cheng, only to find Jiang Cheng's face is too close to his.

BAM! It was Jiang Cheng's palm hitting the space of the wall on the left side of Lan Xichen. "Why do you feel aggrieved? Huh?" Jiang Cheng asked in his usual aggressive tone as he glared at Lan Xichen who looked like a timid puppy right now. His dark-colored eyes misty and round. They looked like they were begging for lenience.

"I was wrong..." Lan Xichen said in a low voice, which is almost a whisper.

"What? I can't hear you." Jiang Cheng said, frowning.

He may have said that but Lan Xichen is aware that he is lying. Just to mock him. Since Jiang Cheng's following words are...

"Now you know you are in the wrong." Jiang Cheng said, his tone like the one he is using towards Jin Ling when he scolds his nephew - always. "If I haven't seen you, stopped you (though it was too late), and paid for you, do you know what would happen?" He asked as he looked at Lan Xichen, who has his mouth shut and has a meek appearance as he was being scolded by Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng really has a talent in scolding. Jiang Cheng is scolding Jin Ling. He is also scolding Wei Wuxian. Now, he is scolding Lan Xichen like a mother scolding her child. Look, he even has his arms crossed and has that frowning expression worn by only the mothers.

"What's with that look?" Jiang Cheng asked when he saw Lan Xichen was silently looking at him. "Am I the one who stole your money? Am I the one who scammed you?" He scoffed. "Don't you at least have the awareness of a sect leader?" He asked, his gaze reprimanding Lan Xichen.

"I have." Lan Xichen answered.

"Then why has your coin purse been stolen? Why were you extorted of your money (though it was my money)?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"That..." Lan Xichen said. Finally given a chance to explain himself, he started to find the right words to say. "I was asked to go here to find something. The order was from our clan's elders." He said.

"You were really looking for an item?" Jiang Cheng said. "What item is it?" He asked.

Lan Xichen shook his head. "I don't know." He answered. He is really honest. Their clan forbids lying.

"Ha?" Jiang Cheng's brows knit.

Lan Xichen immediately explained. "I asked our elders what is it, but they answered that I will know it once I'd found it." He explained.

Jiang Cheng frowned. "How will you know you had found it if you don't even know what is it?" He asked.

Lan Xichen shook his head. "I don't know." He helplessly answered. "Their words are puzzling." He said.

Jiang Cheng thought about it. The Lan clan is really a wonder. Even their present generation is confused of them. He shrugged in his mind and looked at Lan Xichen. "Well, that's your problem now, is it?" He said. "I have helped you enough. You're on your own now." He told him and turned away to leave.

"Wait, sect leader Jiang." Lan Xichen called.

Jiang Cheng stopped. Not because of Lan Xichen's words. Whatever will Lan Xichen say will have no effect on him, since he doesn't care about this guy. He stopped, because this guy got a hold of his sleeve. In short, Lan Xichen pulled on his sleeve.

Jiang Cheng turned and looked at Lan Xichen, his gaze imploring. He still doesn't forget the Lan clan's strong grip. One, because he had studied on the Cloud Recesses before and had heard of the Lan clan's mystic strength. Two, because today's problem, the cause of the accident is Lan Xichen's strong hands.

"Now what?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"I still haven't repaid sect leader Jiang - " Lan Xichen said.

Jiang Cheng cut him off. "Ah, that. Forget it." He said as he waved his hand like waving off a fly. "Our clan doesn't lack money." he told him.

Lan Xichen's face reddened in embarrassment. "But..." he said.

"Do you have money now to pay me?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"No..." Lan Xichen honestly answered. He can't ask money from his uncle, since he was already given money. Yet he lost it.

"Then, forget it." Jiang Cheng said.

"But..." Lan Xichen insisted. His grip on Jiang Cheng's sleeve tightened, not intending to let the man go. He doesn't understand why he has this feeling.

Jiang Cheng looked at Lan Xichen. "You don't have money to pay me for what I paid to that merchant. And I don't ask for your money. Now - " he said as he held Lan Xichen's hand that was holding his sleeve. " - there's no need to dilly-dally now, right?" He said and pulled Lan Xichen's hand off his sleeve.

Lan Xichen's eyes widened when he felt a sudden feeling of loss.

Jiang Cheng ignored Lan Xichen's reaction. "If sect leader Lan may excuse me. I still have something to do and it cannot be delayed." He said, then left Lan Xichen rooted on the spot, a shocked look on his face.

(A/N: there is a reason why LXC is naive despite being a sect leader like JC. There really is, believe me! This author wasn't just trying to write a new flavor of XiCheng... ehem - *looks away. There really is a plot!)

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