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Jiang Cheng played with the brush in his hand as he listened to the elders of his sect reporting. He felt bored. After he left Lan Xichen earlier, he lost his enthusiasm to visit the shop he intended to go to. Thus, he went back to the sect and pulled their sect's elders to report the current affairs.

"Uhm..." an elder said as he awkwardly looked at Jiang Cheng. "Sect leader." He called. His eyes are dodgy.

"What?" Jiang Cheng said and raised his head to look at them. "Is the meeting over?" He asked.

"Yes..." an elder answered.

"Okay. Then, meeting adjourned - " Jiang Cheng said and rose from his seat. He hadn't heard even just a word from them because his mind was somewhere else.

"Wait, sect leader..." one of them called to stop him.

Jiang Cheng stopped and turned to them. "What?" He asked.

"That..." the elder said and looked at Jiang Cheng's back where a person clad in white bearing a gentle aura is standing. "He..." he said and motioned to Jiang Cheng his back using his eyes.

Jiang Cheng looked puzzled. He turned to where the elder is looking. "What is it? Are you seeing something I don't see?" He asked them.

Their eyes widened in shock. "What?!" They exclaimed. "Sect leader, you..." they said. "... are you being haunted?" They asked.

"What do you see?" Jiang Cheng calmly asked them.

"A man wearing white robes and has a smile on his face." One of them answered. "He is standing behind you." He added, his face becoming paler than the 'ghost's clothes.

"Then, it is a ghost." Jiang Cheng said. "I am indeed being haunted." He said.

"What?! But, sect leader... he is sect leader Lan!" One of them cannot bear it anymore. "Why is sect leader Lan here?!" He asked and finally pointed Lan Xichen using his finger.

Jiang Cheng turned to him. "It is not nice to kill someone off, much less a sect leader." He told him, his face serious and honest.

"But! He is the GusuLan! Sect! Leader!" the sect elder said. "Lan. Xi. Chen!"

"... the ghost looks like sect leader Lan?" Jiang Cheng skeptically said as he tilted his head.

The elders of the YunmengJiang Sect put a palm on their face. Please... we know you're just fooling around. Please let us off! They begged in their heart.

Maybe Jiang Cheng heard their plea; maybe not. But, in the end, Jiang Cheng left. And the 'ghost' follower Lan Xichen naturally followed Jiang Cheng.

"Why are you following me?" Jiang Cheng finally spoke and turned to Lan Xichen when Jiang Cheng entered his room.

"As sect leader Jiang said, I am a ghost." Lan Xichen answered with a smile on his face.

"What do YOU say?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"I am in need of sect leader Jiang." Lan Xichen answered.

"If you need my assistance, then it is a problem." Jiang Cheng said. "I am a busy person." He told him. before he pushed him out of the room and closed the door on his face. 

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