Extra: Untold

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"Right. You stayed with me for a month, yet why didn't your clan find you?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Lan Xichen, who recovered all of his memories, kissed Jiang Cheng to dodge the question. As for the answer to the question –

Somewhere, Lan Qiren was fishing in the river. Every time he remembered that one month Lan Xichen 'disappeared', his beard couldn't help but puff up! He regretted he let Lan Xichen leave and go to find Jiang Cheng.

"His mind is equal to that of a child's! He will get lost somewhere! He might be kidnapped!" he remembered he told the elders.

However, the elders' expression is tolerant. "Qiren, you should believe in your nephew. You're the one who raised him. Do you remember when Xichen was eight? Didn't he... (blah blah blah)" they told him as they reminisced.

Lan Qiren wanted to cough up blood. He knows, these old men just want to toss a responsibility to someone! They find Lan Xichen's condition troublesome, so they are glad to send Lan Xichen away!

Lan Qiren sighed, feeling woeful towards the irresponsible clan elders. "Hm?" he muttered when he saw a bottle floating in the water. A vein popped in his head. "Who dared to pollute the water?!" he asked and immediately fished up the bottle. He opened it and was surprised to see it's empty. "Huh?" he muttered and turned the bottle upside down. Nothing fell.

He was about to throw the bottle when he suddenly froze after he smelled a fragrant scent. The next second, he saw that his surroundings became bigger. No –

It was him who became smaller!


"Huh?" Wei Wuxian (A/N: I know it's him! It was his doing!) scratched his head as he looked around. "Where did it go?" he muttered as he tried to look for the bottle that was carried away by a bird after the bird was enticed by the scent he placed inside the bottle. "Forget it." he sighed as his shoulders dropped. "Lan Zhan would be angry again if he'd find out I am concocting something dangerous again..." he helplessly smiled as he shook his head, completely putting the scented bottle to the back of his mind.

As for Lan Qiren –

"Eh? Did we have a new disciple?" the junior disciples asked each other when they saw a handsome and pristine disciple passed by them.

"His bearing looked familiar..." someone said. "Like Zewu-jun's or Hanguang-jun's..."

"En. But his temperament – " he grimaced.

Lan Qiren's face is as dark as the bottom of the pot, and there was a storm brewing in his heart. Indeed, he became smaller but fortunately, not that small. However, he became a teenager. And it makes him remember some things he doesn't want to remember anymore.

For example, that gentle youth wearing a purple uniform... 

(A/N: yep, yep. I just can't not write FengQi when I write XiCheng XDDDD dunno if the FengQi in this extra will have a continuation, or - like the title of this extra, it'll be left untold.) 

P.S.: glad you reached here! I hope you enjoyed this! See you in my next fanfic, Swapped!, which is also a XiCheng ff. XDDDD happy new year, once again. 

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