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The night fell in Lotus Pier. Amidst the darkness, countless lanterns were lit up to light the people's way as they walk back home to their family and have a warm dinner together.

Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng walked down the road. Ever since Lan Xichen came to the Lotus Pier, then and earlier, Jiang Cheng realized Lan Xichen had occupied most of his time. Lan Xichen goes with him every day, and Lan Xichen runs in his mind all the time.

Yes – Jiang Cheng is in love with this person. Even before he found Lan Xichen that day, he has always been in love, secretly in love with him. When did it start? Was it when the moment they met?

No – Jiang Cheng knew it was when Lan Xichen found him and helped him rebuilt his sect. Anyone out in the cold and in darkness, given by warmth and light, would feel gratitude and affinity to the person who gave them what they need, their savior. He first noticed Lan Xichen at that time. After that, his feelings only grew.

However, he knew he doesn't deserve him. Lan Xichen is a great man, while he is just an average but unfortunate young man who lost his family and was forced to bear what his parents left of him – their sect, as well as their family name. And so he rebuilt the sect and restored their clan. That doesn't make him deserving of Lan Xichen.

His greatest obstacle stemmed from his gratitude towards Lan Xichen – that Lan Xichen helped him regain what he (JC) lost, that is the biggest reason for him not to device impure thoughts towards the man. And so, he satisfied himself watching the man from afar, every day missing him.

That day when he found Lan Xichen, he took the chance to have Lan Xichen all for himself. He is such an ugly person for feeling happy that happened to Lan Xichen. He is a vile person for thinking of making Lan Xichen stay as he was.

He doesn't qualify for Lan Xichen's love, and so he – "Lan Xichen." He called. "I – " he said as he held his breath to stop the pain creeping in his heart.

He wanted to break his tie with the man. It's painful, but he doesn't deserve Lan Xichen, and Lan Xichen doesn't deserve what happened to him.

"Jiang Wanyin." Lan Xichen called, cutting him off.

"Yes?" Jiang Cheng answered. He is immersed from his misery he didn't notice the change of address Lan Xichen called him.

They stopped by the pavilion, watching the warm, orange lights reflected in the cold, dark water of the lake.

"I love you." Lan Xichen told him.

"Oh." Jiang Cheng said as his eyes became moist with tears he was holding back. "I – " he was about to tell him he wanted to break away from him, but his muddled brain from his sadness finally understood Lan Xichen's words. His eyes widened in shock as he raised his head and stared at Lan Xichen, dumbfounded. "You – what did you say?!"

"I love you." Lan Xichen repeated as he lowered his head and smiled endearingly at Jiang Cheng. "What are you thinking, making you cry?" he asked with a soft voice Jiang Cheng felt his heart is about to melt.

"I – " Jiang Cheng stammered. "I... don't deserve you." He told him.

"If you don't deserve me, then no one can." Lan Xichen told Jiang Cheng as he held the other's hand. "Wanyin." He called. "When I told you I love you, I wanted to accept your whole being." He told him. "Accept your past, own your present, and dote on you in the future." He said as he pulled him in his arms.

A sob escaped from Jiang Cheng's lips.

"You don't have to teach me anymore." Lan Xichen said as he held Jiang Cheng tight in his embrace. "I can learn them all by myself. I don't have anything for you to teach me – " he said as he pulled the other to his embrace. " – since I have learned them all, from you, most especially love." he told him. "I'll give my all for you. I'll do anything for you. For you – " he said and cupped Jiang Cheng's tear-stained face. " – like what you have done for me." his thumbs wiped the tears off the corners of Jiang Cheng's eyes. "I remember now. I remember everything." He kissed him.

Half a year ago, the peaceful cultivation world was shaken when an enemy from the east arrived attacked, not the mortals, but the cultivators. They found out, after a cultivator was attacked, he will lose not only his memories, but also his cultivation.

And so, everyone united; either for their sake or the world's, only them know. Just as they were about to apprehend him to interrogate him how to cure the cultivators that he harmed, the enemy self-destructed. Everyone was caught off-guard by the sudden change of the events.

However, before the enemy could die, he pulled Lan Xichen – the one in the lead, with him! everyone was shocked! They thought, at that time, Lan Xichen would perish! However, the enemy was already at his end, all his power was depleted from self-destructing.

Using his strange magic, the enemy placed a 'curse' on Lan Xichen. Before he could truly end Lan Xichen, Lan Wangji, Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng who were the nearest, finally had reacted and pulled Lan Xichen back in time! Then, Lan Qiren and the other elders from different clans and sects ended the enemy, taking the last breath out of him.

Having the enemy defeated, everyone celebrated. They held a banquet the night after, and all were wasted and deeply asleep the morning after that night banquet.

Except for the GusuLan Sect. They were widely awake not because it is their clan's rules, but because something happened to their sect leader – Lan Xichen! They only knew something happened when Lan Qiren, the one who follows their clan's rules the most in his heart, yelled and almost shook the mountains!

Lan Xichen lost his memories! His mentality regressed to a child's! Lan Qiren was full of woe. Fortunately, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian were present in the sect at that time and prevented Lan Qiren from fainting. As early as when they discovered the enemy, they have been following their enemy's tracks. And so, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian left to find the remaining tracks of the enemy to find a cure for Lan Xichen.

Wei Wuxian, being forgetful and panicked at that time, forgot to inform Jiang Cheng of what had happened to Lan Xichen. Added to the fact that the GusuLan Sect wanted to keep a secret what happened to Lan Xichen... he didn't have the chance to tell Jiang Cheng.

Shortly after they left, Lan Qiren recovered after he coughed out blood from what happened to his nephew. However, he didn't expect for him to cough out blood again, and yell (he almost cursed), when he discovered something in Lan Xichen's room while he was looking for some clues on how to recover Lan Xichen's memories.

What he found is a letter – a love letter, to be precise. Their clan does not forbid falling in love, or else it'd end their bloodline. However, it was no better than ending their bloodline.

Lan Xichen's love letter was addressed to Jiang Cheng! Lan Qiren panicked and hid the letter in case Lan Xichen would see it. He consulted with the other elders on how to deal with Lan Xichen's love letter.

After deliberating for a long time, one of them said. "Love can cure everything." He said. "If Xichen loves young master Jiang, why not send Xichen to young master Jiang? Xichen would be better off with young master Jiang instead of us. After all, the mind may forget but the heart can remember." He explained. "Xichen might recover if he stayed with his lover." He told them, already regarding the unaware Jiang Cheng as Lan Xichen's lover.

Lan Qiren felt stifled. However, that was everyone voted for (and only he opposed). Also, Lan Xichen have learned everything he could learn from them. It's time for Lan Xichen to go out and seek the world – as well as his love he had forgotten, but only time can tell when he will remember.

As for Jiang Cheng, that day he saw Lan Xichen, he was on his way to the shop that was rumored to be the shop that the enemy frequented. He thought he could find a clue about the strange enemy that suddenly appeared. However, he found Lan Xichen instead. And after an exchange of words, he guessed Lan Xichen's strange condition.

He secretly contacted Wei Wuxian and, after receiving Wei Wuxian's letter as a reply, he finally learned the gist of Lan Xichen's condition, and it confirmed his guesses. And so he decided to help Lan Xichen by teaching him common sense.

"Jiang Wanyin of the Lotus Pier, are you willing to be mine for a lifetime?" Lan Xichen asked.

"Yes. I'll be yours. All of me is for you – " Jiang Cheng answered as he kissed Lan Xichen. Everything he has, it was given by Lan Xichen.

What his obstacle before, is the reason why he has this man now. 

(A/N: extras will be updated later!) 

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