Vanya's Feelings

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It was the dead of night with the stars glistening in the night. Vanya was walking around with Klaus after they had cleaned up Victoria's room. They had decided to go out for a small walk because Klaus could see that Vanya wanted to clear her head. "Thanks for helping me with Victoria's room, Klaus. It was kind of you." Vanya smiled. "Aww, it's nothing, sis! But you've seem hung-low for a couple of days, is something wrong?" Klaus responded. Vanya looked back to the path and sighed. "I...uh...I'm just worried about Victoria, even though I supported what she did for us all." She started. "I'm scared for her but I know she's brave." Klaus smiled and patted her shoulder. "And plus, our sis is getting in the love department!" He then said with a grin. "I know she is but just because she went with Five, it doesn't mean that she's IN love with him!" Vanya corrected for him. The thought of Victoria and Five in her head made Vanya think of someone.

She had a friend called Sissy and they'd know each other for a few months now. Vanya didn't fully know but she felt something for her inside her heart. She didn't know what the feeling was though, maybe it was a true friendship? Or could it possibly be love? She was afraid to ask her siblings about this because she thought they would find her weird for feeling something towards the same gender. She knew Victoria would understand but she wasn't sure about the others. "Vanya, are you sure that you're okay?" Klaus asked Number Seven. Vanya shook her head and looked to Klaus. "Yes, I'm fine, Klaus. Just thinking...I'm gonna head home now. Thanks again." Vanya replied and rushed away, Klaus watching her with confusion. Klaus looked to Ben and shrugged his shoulders. Vanya stopped by a tree and caught her breath. She looked up to the moon and it glistened in her eyes. It's glow made her eyes shine. It then began to rain slightly and Vanya sighed, letting the drops run down her face.

Vanya ran to Herb's house and knocked on the door, tears in her eyes. Herb opened and was shocked to see Vanya. "Vanya, what are you doing here?" Herb asked and then saw Vanya crying. "What's wrong?" Vanya sniffed and tried to wipe her tears. "Could I have some advice?" Vanya cried and Herb nodded, letting her in. "Perhaps a cup of tea would make it easier for you to talk?" He questioned, bringing two cups to the table and poured some tea in them. Vanya nodded and wiped her tears away some more. "Thank you." She said and took the cup. "It's alright, Vanya. Now...tell me what's gotten you in this state." Herb reassured. "Well...I've been seeing the girl called Sissy and I think I'm feeling something toward her but I'm afraid to tell anyone or even my siblings because I'm worried they'll think I'm weird or wrong and ignore me!" Vanya exclaimed in a rush. "I know it sounds weird, but I love her!" Vanya cried. "I know we're both the same gender and it's weird at first to accept it but I love her! She's all I've thinked about today, I love her Herb! I'd be lying if I said she wasn't beautiful...she...makes me feel special. Every day, I wanna tell her I love her but I can't! I can't bring myself to her how I feel! There..." Vanya began to cry again. Herb handed her a tissue and she blew her nose. "What am I to do, Herb?"

"The course is true love never runs smooth but give it time, Vanya. Think it over, don't rush to the facts and think that you need to blurt it out." Herb started. "And you said that you couldn't tell anyone, right?" Vanya nodded in response. "You told me, didn't you?" Vanya nodded again. "So, you don't need to worry about telling anyone. Don't tell your siblings just yet, if you feel that you have to, don't. Give it time and let love take it's own course." Vanya scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Tell that to Five..." She muttered and Herb only chuckled, following from the events from a few hours ago. "But there is your sister engaged to a time-travelling assassin." He said. "Yeah, I have been wondering about her. Is Victoria okay? Anything?" Vanya asked. "You can be assured by me that Five is not all he appears to be. Even a heart as cold as his, can also be softened by love." Herb replied with a smile. "He's...he's falling in love with her, isn't he?" Vanya stated but Herb kept quiet. "Yeah, I'm just talking crazy today. But me and Klaus were watching Victoria's old animals and then were taken by Five and he left a note." Herb chuckled and smiled. "I see Five took my advice and is trying to be nice to her." He said.

"Wait...what?" Vanya said in shock. "Five you for advice?!" Herb nodded slightly but then remembered Five's words. "Oh, he said if I told anyone then he would kill me....literally!" He blurted. "But it's true, ain't it? That's why he took her old animals...I know I would get anything for Sissy but...does he love her?" Vanya said. "As certain as my batch of tea." Herb replied. "You just can't give a straight answer, can't ya?" Vanya said. "Nope!" Herb chuckled.

𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 (𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐗 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚)Where stories live. Discover now