Visiting and Nightmares

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A few months had passed since the meeting with Pogo and Grace and the siblings were visiting for their big gala on Saturday, everyone was excited but Victoria had been experiencing a few problems for those few months. "Oh, I'm so excited! I can't wait to see Mom and Pogo again!" Klaus said with an excited smile. "It feels like forever since we last saw those two!" Allison nodded in agreement. "Well, they have been busy with their duties after all." She said additionally. "Oh, isn't this exciting? We get to have a gala after so long!" Allison squealed, clapping her hands a little. "Almost hard to believe after the last fiasco we caused..." Vanya added. "But everybody will get to listen your violin music Vanya, and I, get to decorate the ballroom and you'll be making everyone's clothes, Allison." Klaus explained. "Oh, let's not forget that Victoria is going to be performing!" Allison smiled, patting Victoria's shoulder. The red-head showed a shocked look but then looked down again with her sad expression. "Oh great...yay..." She said gloomily. "And we'll get to see little Diego too!" Klaus smiled in a sing-song voice. "Oh sure, ever since he got back to work as that saviour, we haven't seen him in ages." Vanya said and then the three let out bundles of laughter.

"Halt." Someone said, it was a guard. "Who goes there?" He said, blocking the four Hargreeves. "Don't you recognise us? We're Allison, Vanya, Victoria and Klaus Hargreeves!" Allison responded. The guard scanned the four for a moment and then smiled. "My apologies, you may pass." The guard said, putting his arm down. The four walked into the home as the guard shut the front door. "You'd think after saving the world a thousand times people would recognise us?" Allison complained to the three.

Grace and Pogo were in the living room. "So I was trying to figure out what book is right and then I found one!" Grace said but saw her children. "Kids?" Pogo questioned but then saw what she was looking at. "Children!" He exclaimed, standing up. "Pogo, Grace!" The four children said together with a smile. "Oh, children, Klaus, Vanya, Victoria, Allison, I missed you all so much!" Grace said with her sweet smile. Klaus was sobbing in his hands with joy. "I-I missed you too! I'm so happy!" He cried with a happy expression. Victoria and Vanya giggled a little from Klaus's happy sobs. Vanya then saw Victoria's sad expression and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay, Victoria?" She asked. "Huh, yeah, fine!" Victoria replied, flicking some of her hair out of her way. "Now enough of this chit-chat, now how about we chow down...?"


"I bid you all welcome. It pleases me that you have accepted my request to help with the gala!" Grace said with a smile as everyone sat at the table. "I know with my children in charge, this will be the most successful gala we have ever had!" Victoria smiled at her mother, putting her fork down on the table. "Oh, just wait till you see the dresses and suits I have made for us all!" Allison exclaimed. "Speaking of the gala, Mom, is it alright if the orphans attend? They don't get out much, you see..." Vanya asked. Grace smiled at Vanya sweetly. "Ah, yes, Luther told me about your volunteer work at the orphanage. I suppose..." She said. "Grace, I'm not sure this is wise." Pogo interrupted. "I thought you liked children, Pogo." Grace corrected. "Well, yes, I grew up with these six, but we've never invited children to the gala before." Pogo stated.

"Well, I think it's time we change that!" Grace smiled. "Woohoo!" Klaus called out, finishing his wine. "We're gonna have a bunch of kiddies at the party, the only that can make this super extra terrific is if there were pudding. Mmm....pudding..." He said with some drool dropping out his mouth.  


Vanya went out to pick some berries from the gardens of the academy, humming to herself. She stopped when the sounds of birds started singing together in harmony. Vanya moved some leafs out the way to see Victoria and a few birds with her. "Oh, stop for a moment, please. Excuse me sir, you're a little bit off key, okay? Let's start over." Victoria said to the birds gently. "A one and a two and a-" Vanya came out the leafs with a smile. "Hi, Victoria!" She exclaimed. The red-head jumped in shock and turned to her sister. "Oops...sorry..." Victoria only smiled and rubbed her head. "It's okay, we were going to take a break anyway." She said.

"Is something wrong, sis?" Vanya asked, seeing the expression that Victoria had when arriving. "What? Uh, no. Nothing wrong." Victoria replied, looking away to the ground. "What made you think that?" She then asked. "You barely said a word at dinner last night..." Vanya answered. "I was just tired from the journey..." Victoria lied. "You didn't eat either." Vanya added. "I wasn't hungry." The red-head made up, putting her hands behind her back. "You haven't been sleeping either." Vanya said as a third piece of evidence. "Don't think I haven't noticed dark circles in your eyes."

"Vanya, it's nothing, really..." Victoria said, turning the other way, as Vanya sighed. "It's those nightmares, isn't it?" She said. "Reddie, it's been a few months now. Five is long gone, I'll bet he's fled this land by now." Vanya stated but Victoria only held herself close. "I know...but the nightmares just won't go away! Even when I'm not asleep, I feel like everywhere I turn...he's there. Watching me, waiting to...I don't know! He might take me away or something. I just...I don't..." Victoria began to break down into sobs as Vanya held her close. "Hey, hey, it's okay. It's all in your imagination. Five's not coming back and he's certainly not gonna take you away."


Vanya wasn't right though, for somewhere, Five was in hiding. He evily cackled in the mirror in bliss. "Oh, it's just too musing!" Five said, clearing his throat. "Oh, the dramatic irony of it all! Oh I can imagine the looks on their faces once I appear out of the blue after all these months!" He continued with a devious smile. "And why have we been hiding all these months?" His reflection replied, it was a habitat that Five had to talk to himself. "So we can lead those people into a false sense of security, so that when we strike, it'll be a surprise! By the looks of it, I'd say the time has come. They all think I'm gone for good." He replied to himself. "Except for that little whimpy, ginger Number Eight." Five's reflection said.

"Oh, nobody listens to her half the time, anyway!" Five responded with a scoff. "So what exactly is the plan this time? Trying to rip their friendship apart so you can have all power?" Five's reflection questioned. Five tusked and rolled his eyes at his reflection. "Oh, sure, cause that worked out so well! No...we can't do something that can easily be undone. We have to make a more permanent change..." He explained. "The problem is their pesky powers, as long as they are willing to use them at all times, we are not safe." Five's reflection pointed out. Five then gasped, thinking of something. "But what if they are not willing to use them?" He suggested, causing his reflection to smirk. "Oh! I like the sound of that! So...what's the plan?" His reflection replied. "Oh, it's the most genius plan ever devised! Worth months of scheming, those people are in for a surprise of their lives!" Five said and finishing with an evil cackle.

𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 (𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐗 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚)Where stories live. Discover now