The Date

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Five stood outside Victoria's room, holding a bouquet of red roses and was becoming slightly nervous. He kept pulling his collar to try and get some cold air in his suit. "D-Don't be nervous...just one girl...just one amazing, beautiful..." Five stopped himself and cleared his throat. "'s hot in here, this tux...come on, you can do this." Five stated and took a deep breath before knocking on Victoria's door. "One minute." Victoria called out from her room. "Okay...too late to turn back now. Pull yourself together, Five! Got to show that woman the time of her life and sweep her off her feet. Just keep your cool and whatever you do, don't look like a-"


"Victoria! Are you ready to-"

He let out a gasp of shock and scanned the girl up and down several times as if each time was the first. Her ginger hair, that was always let down, was up a little and it was curled at the bottom. The dress she wore was red like blood and it was patterned with roses and the side-sleeves had a rose each. On her feet was ruby slippers with small bows, with the same tone of the dress. It was if she had stepped out a rose garden and was covered in it's petals. "Is everything okay?" Victoria questioned to Five, who was still star-struck. "U-Uh...w-well..." Five stammered but couldn't get over the trance he was in.

" Five stammered but couldn't get over the trance he was in

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(Just the shoes, no socks!)

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(Just the shoes, no socks!)

"Is it too much? I can change if you like." Victoria offered as she pointed back to her room. "N-No! You look...amazing." Five replied, grazing his hand against the ginger's. "Thank you." Victoria simply thanked. Five then remembered the bouquet of roses and handed them to Victoria. "For you, my sweet." He grinned. Victoria chuckled and took them from him. "Thank you, Five, this is sweet but..." Victoria opened the door to her bedroom. "I'm kinda running out of space." There were vases of different flowers that Five had given her ever since she lived with him. "Oh...well, luckily I have another vase for that!" Five simply responded and clicked his fingers. A vase appeared on an stand with the roses Five had just given her. "Oh, one of the roses would look really nice in your hair!" Five then stated, placing a red rose on her ear. "Your too sweet..." Victoria giggled. "And your too beautiful!" Five grinned. "So where are we going?" The girl asked. Five grinned like he had a trick up his sleeve. "Hold onto me and you'll see." He said. Victoria hesitantly took ahold of his hand and pulled herself closer to him. "Keep your eyes closed." Five instructed and Victoria nodded, shutting her eyes tightly although Five wanted to see her crystal-like eyes more.

𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 (𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐗 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚)Where stories live. Discover now