The Deal

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Claire watched out the window as she watched the storm but instead the clouds were pink. "I think that rock just stuck it's tongue out at me!" She shrieked. "How could I have let this happen?" Luther questioned to himself with worry. "You've been asking that for the past hour! This isn't your fault, Luther!" Klaus pointed out. "Yes, it is. Grace trusted me with running the gala and now look what's happened!" Luther exclaimed. "It's Five fault, Luther, not yours." Allison reassured. "Yeah, it's his fault!" Klaus said, trying to be serious. Allison then faced the red-head. "You were right all along, Victoria. We should've listened to you." She sighed. "It's alright, I just can't believe he...he held me..." Victoria whimpered. "Well, he's never going to do that again! I assure you!" Allison confirmed, wrapping an arm around her. "Especially on our watch!" Diego said, entering the room with Vanya. "The orphans are all safe underground." Vanya clarified.

"We gotta stop that big bully!" Claire shouted. "I know but we can't use our powers now." Luther replied. "I know! Victoria can use her serious stare on him!" Klaus informed. "Oh, um, I don't know if that'll work on him..." Victoria murmured, looking down at her feet. "I say we give him a good punch in the face!" Diego yelled over the others as Luther rolled his eyes. "And what good would that do? Even if we did manage to hurt him, he can just heal himself!" Vanya responded. "Then what do you suggest we do?" Diego asked with sarcasm in the tone of his voice. "Uh...Luther, what do you think we should do?" Vanya quickly questioned. Luther looked down and then up and clenched his eyes shut for a moment. "I...I don't know!" He let out. "I just don't know!" An evil cackle then sounded throughout the room and everyone knew who it was. 

"Giving up so soon, Luther? That's oddly out of character for you!" Five said from the shadows. "It's him!" Victoria cried, holding onto whoever was next to her tightly. "Show yourself, coward!" Diego exclaimed, taking his knifes out. "If you don't give us back Grace and Pogo, I swear I'll..." He continued. "You'll what, Number Two? By the way, interesting you should have that title. How come you don't get to be the leader like Number One?" Five cackled. "Come out and fight, you big chicken!" Allison screeched. Five spacial jumped and scared the siblings as they jumped. "Chicken, huh? You know you might be onto to something. Sometime I wonder whether Diego is a chicken or not..." He smirked, causing Diego to run toward him but only hit his head on the wall. Five tutted to Diego, seeing the state he was in. "Little Diego, must it always be violence with you?" He questioned. "We don't need your gloating, Five." Luther clarified. "Who's gloating? I'm mocking! But if gloating's what you want..." Five snapped his fingers and the floor turned fully waxed and slippery and everyone else slipped and fell on the floor. "What the-?" Diego questioned. "How is he doing that?" Luther thought. 

"Aw, look how helpful I am! I even waxed the floor for you!" Five smirked. "Oh, this is going to take forever to wash out!" Allison whined. "Cut it out, you big bully, and turn this floor back to normal!" Claire exclaimed. "Oh that's it! How dare you! You think you manipulate family and try to ruin Luther's reputation and get away with it?" Victoria exclaimed. "Excuse me?" Five said, looking towards the ginger. "You best watch your step, buster, or I'll give you...the serious stare." The red-head spat. "Oh yeah! You're in for it now, buddy!" Klaus exclaimed. "Oh no! Not the serious stare, anything but your disapproving eyeballs!" Five said with fake fear before laughing a little. "I can't say it without laughing!" Victoria growled and did the serious stare as her eyebrows narrowed and her eyes widened. "Oh no, please! Stop, I can't...stop!" Five begged. "Go, Auntie Victoria!" Claire smiled. "I can't take it anymore, I'll stop my takeover. I'll turn everything back to normal, I'll bake you a cake..." Five then let out bundles of laughter as Victoria became confused. "What? B-But that should..."

𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 (𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐗 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚)Where stories live. Discover now