Red-Head's Birthday

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(A/N: In this, Victoria has a different birthday to the other siblings)

Victoria layed in her bed and slowly opened her eye-lids. The sun shined through her windows and she could hear the birds from the gardens singing. It made her smile a bit. She yawned and rubbed her eyes until a whoosh could be heard. "Good morning, my love, my dear, my darling! Happy birthday!" Five smiled. Victoria rubbed her right eye again. "What did you call me?" She asked Five. "Um...happy birthday?" Five said, trying to avoid the nicknames he said. He then placed the pancakes on Victoria's lap. "Here, breakfast in bed for today! I hope your in mood for pancakes!" He said. "Oh, you don't have to do anything for me, Five." Victoria replied. "Oh, don't be silly. Your birth is definitely worth celebrating! Now eat up and meet me at the gazebo, I have something special for you!" Five stated before he spacial jumped away. Victoria looked to the pancakes on the plate and then raised an eyebrow. "Hmm...what's he planning this time?" She questioned.


Five sat at the table on the gazebo, fiddling with his hands and muttering to himself. He kept saying how Victoria wasn't here yet and was about to yell out in rage before he spotted the red-head. "Victoria!" He then smiled. Victoria waved and sat on the opposite chair. "So, what's the special something?" She asked. "It's nothing practical but I think you'll like it. I bet the ring has been giving you some distress." He responded. "A little..." Victoria muttered. "Well, I don't want you to feel like your being forced into this. For what it's worth, I cannot imagine being with any other woman so..." He snapped his fingers and something happened to the ring around Victoria's neck. "Read the inscription." He then said. Victoria gave a raised eyebrow and then held the ring with her hands before reading "To my one and only, Victoria." She looked up to Five with widened eyes. "I...I don't know what to say." She said. "Why don't you just say you love me?" Five mumbled under his breath. "What?" Victoria asked, not understanding what he said. "Um...I mean..." He snapped his fingers and a cake appeared on the table with candles lit. "Make a wish!" He smiled.

"And as it is your birthday, it will be my duty to make it come true." Five then stated. Victoria smiled at those words. "You promise?" She questioned. "Cross my heart." Five replied. Victoria thought for a moment and then knew what she wanted, then blowing out the candles. "So..." Five started, clapping his hands together. "What will it be, my sweet?"

"I wish to visit our siblings."

Five froze and then stared at Victoria for a moment to see if she was joking. But after a few seconds, he knew she was being serious. "Um...sweetheart...we talked about this." Five stammered. "No we haven't, you've been avoiding the topic ever since I got here. I think it's time we changed that." The red-head said in a stern tone. "B...But...isn't there something else you'd like? A necklace, a kitten, a bow, anything?" Five said, trying to see if he could get her mind off the others. He was still fearing she'd leave him. "I want to see our siblings. Nothing more or nothing less." Victoria said, crossing her arms. Five went over, behind Victoria, and put his arms around her. "Darling..." He tried to start but Victoria pried his arms off her. "It's been a month now, they probably forgot all about you." Five said but that didn't make it any better. "Five! How could you say such a thing?!" Victoria exclaimed. "Oh, it's not that your easy to forget, sweetie. It's just I thought the others are quite forgetful, but not you, of course!" Five argued. "You promised you would grant whatever wish I made." Victoria reminded the time traveller. "You didn't get it in writing." Five said. "It shouldn't matter, friends honour promises. If you don't honour yours, then your no friend of mine." Victoria retaliated. "I am your friend, red rose!" Five exclaimed.

The red-head felt tears pouring down her cheeks at how Five would still not let her leave to see her siblings for only a couple of hours. "Then why? Why can't I leave? Why won't you let me visit them?" She cried. "Oh, reddie, please don't cry. You know I hate it when you cry." Five said in a soft voice. "You want me to stop crying? Then let me see the others! Please, just for today and I promise I'll come back! And if I don't, you can spacial jump me back yourself. You don't even have to, I will come back! Please, you can trust me!" Victoria replied, wiping away her tears. "I do trust you, red rose...the others however..." That's when Victoria realised why she wasn't allowed to leave. "You think their going to take me away?" She asked in a tender voice. "That and...well, some of them don't really like me. And, what if they...make you...feel the same as you used to?" Five whispered. "Oh, Five...I would never do that." Victoria replied, putting an arm around Five. He looked at her and into her dark brown eyes. "How can you be so sure? I can't risk loosing you, darling." Five asked. 

"You won' about this? Instead of me going over to them, why don't you just bring them here?" The ginger smiled. "What?! No, no, no, no! I am not bringing those repulsive siblings here!" Five yelled. "Not even for one day? It is my birthday, after all." Victoria asked with a giggle. "No, ni, nay, never!" Five exclaimed, crossing his arms. "But if you never let the others visit, who are my bridemaids going to be?" That made Five widen his eyes and look at Victoria in shock. "Bridesmaids?" He questioned. "And I promised Claire she would be my flowergirl and maybe Klaus could be the ring bearer and...and...well, we need someone to lead the service. We could have Luther do it." But Five came closer to the girl, still in shock. "Wait, are you saying...?" He asked. "If you allow the others to visit, I...I will let you decide the wedding date and I won't argue." Victoria stated. "Y-You mean it?" Five stammered. "Yes, yes I do." Victoria said. "Then how does...tomorrow sound?" Five grinned. Victoria was about to retaliate but Five placed a finger on her lips. "Ah, ah, ah, you said you wouldn't argue...unless you've changed your mind on seeing the others." Five said. "No..I!" Victoria wanted to argue but she did promise Five. "Tomorrow it is." Five gasped and pulled Victoria in a tight hug. "Oh, thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You've made me the happiest man in the world!" Five exclaimed. "Um...Five...the others?" Victoria questioned, even though Five was squeezing the daylights out of her. "Oh right, I'm on it."

𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 (𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐗 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚)Where stories live. Discover now