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The party that Klaus had threw together seemed to be going well. Five was able to use his snapping power to bring out snacks and drinks, some eligible for only the adults and some only for Claire. Five only stood on the sidelines as he observed his wife-to-be party with their siblings. However, it made the edge of his lips curve up a bit when he saw her sweet smile and how happy she was. "Maybe I should've brought them here before..." Five thought for a second but then shook his head, denying the thought. He had to focus on the future for him and Victoria. He then decided to leave the room to give his bride and their siblings some space. Victoria drank a bit of the beverages that Five served up as Allison put a hand on her shoulder. "Oh, Victoria, what's it been like here for you? Has he hurt you in any way?" She questioned in a tender voice. "He better be treating you right!" Diego scolded. "How are the animals?" Viktor asked. "Did you use your powers or your stare on him this time? Five seems different, I mean, he wouldn't let you have this party for one." Diego said, he was confused over how a menacing person like Five would allow him and the others to come over and celebrate Victoria's birthday. The siblings kept asking questions to Victoria about Five and several things, the red-head trying to reply to each of them but had not been able to blurt out a word with the thousands of questions. "Guys, guys, give her some space." Luther said, breaking up the several questions. "Thanks, Luther. No, he hasn't been mean to me at all or hurt me. We're not married yet." Victoria smiled. "So, that's why your still wearing that ring. My goodness, four carat diamond ring." Allison pointed out, starting at the necklace with the ring on it. "Ooh, it's so pretty!" Claire said with a bright smile.

"I don't see why you'd wanna wear it though." Diego said with a tense stare. "Oh well, you see, I can't take it off. Five kinda put a spell on it, apparently he has these powers that he gained in the apocalypse, it's a long story." Victoria explained to the others, holding onto her ring. "Jerk..." Diego scoffed, crossing his arms. "Actually, Five is not as bad as you think. He's been really nice to me since I've come here, he's really sweet." Diego didn't buy any of what Victoria said to him. "You've gotta be kidding me, are you sure those new powers of his didn't put a spell on you or something to make you say that? Did he threaten you or something?" He asked. "N-No, he hasn't." Victoria stammered. "Well, he certainly isn't cheap." Allison smirked. "He isn't bad, Diego. I mean, he let you all come over for one." Victoria stated. Diego didn't reply as the red-head girl did have a point in the matter. "Guys, why does any of this matter? It's Victoria's birthday! We should be celebrating!" Luther smiled, him beginning to dance as a song came on. The others blinked in response before some of them began to join in with smiles. 

Victoria watched with a smile as the others danced in glee. Luther came up to her and gave a small side hug. "I really am happy your okay, Tori. I kept thinking it was my fault you left with Five and I've been trying to find a way to bring you back to the academy." Luther said. "I appreciate the effort, ape man. I really am okay here, though. You don't need to bring me back." Victoria smiled. "How can you say that?" Diego said in disbelief. He was now certain that Five was behind something that was going on here. "He said he'd let you come and visit whenever you want." The girl told them. "How in the world did you convince him to let that happen?" Allison questioned in a shocked tone. Victoria looked from Luther to Diego to Allison in worry. She couldn't tell them now why they were even here. The red-head looked to find something to change the subject, she spotted the food table and smiled. "Uh, enough about me. Why don't we have some food? You can tell me how you've all been doing while I was gone." The others smiled and followed her to the food table, as they began to eat. "Well, Diego here has acquired a girlfriend." Allison teased with a giggle. "W-Wha...Lila is just a friend!" Diego exclaimed with bright red cheeks. "But you like her, don't you?" Victoria asked. Diego thought to himself for a moment before giving a small smile. "W-Well, yeah, sort of. I always thought she was cool as a friend but we've never really hung out alone. I've never gotten the chance to really know her." Victoria smiled with glee at Diego's words. "You sure, she isn't your girlfriend?" She asked, nudging his shoulder. "Kinda early for that, let's say." Diego responded. "Me and Luther have kinda been growing apart so I've been spending time with Ray Chestnut. You know the one who's always in the barbers down the street? I think he might be taking a shine to me, if you know what I mean." Victoria nodded in reply, she knew who Allison was talking about. "A-And I've been trying to talk to Sissy again but it's complicated." Victoria rubbed Viktor's back with a warm smile. "I really like the new look by the way, Vanya. It's really you." She said. "Uh, it's Viktor." Viktor corrected, Victoria nodding. "Finally, Klaus hasn't been taking it well of you leaving..." Allison said as her smile dropped, Victoria nodded with a frown. "So, we were able to set him up on a date with a girl." Allison then said. "Her name's Dusk, she's one of those girls who sings at the bar down the block. I can tell he shows an interest in her, so I was able to get a date between the two. I hope that it goes well." Victoria squealed and clapped her hands together, happy that Klaus was able to get some joy after his years of torture. "I think I know her, we might have had a few drinks together once." Victoria responded. "Number Eight drinking? Who broke your shell?" Allison smirked, making the redhead laugh.

"Come on, guys, let's play Twister!" Klaus called out, as Claire, Diego and Luther ran to join in with him. Victoria took a bite of a pie as she turned to see Five sitting in a chair full of worry. She put her plate down and walked over to him. Victoria placed a hand on her shoulder and gave him a small smile. "Thank you for bringing the others, Five." She said. "Ugh, your welcome." Five groaned. Victoria didn't like how Five was feeling, she didn't want him to feel upset. "Uh, why don't you come and join us? You don't have to sit here all day." She asked the time traveller. Five looked from his fiancee to the siblings and back again. "Uh, I don't know. I don't think the others would appreciate it." He told her. "Oh, don't worry, they'll get used to it." Victoria said to him. Five was then reminded of something, the reason why he even brought them here in the first place. He took her hands in his and gave a smile to her. "So, have you told them yet?" Five asked. "Oh, not yet. I was so excited to see them." Victoria replied. "Well, you have to tell them, my red rose. You wanted them here, right?" Five smirked. "Hey, Five! You wanna play Twister with us?" Klaus called out to him. "Alright, fine!" Five laughed. The others looked in surprise, he was laughing? Five looked from Klaus to Victoria. "Your going to have to tell them at some point, darling. They are our siblings, after all." Five said, kissing her hands before walking off to where Klaus and Claire was. "Come, Uncle Five! I'm gonna wipe the floor with you!" Claire sniggered. 

Victoria thought for a moment and began to walk towards Viktor. "Uh, Vik, can I talk to you for a moment?" She asked him. Viktor agreed as the two went into a corner of the room, away from everyone else. "I'm glad to see you're okay, it seems like I was the only one who knew you'd be able to keep yourself safe around here and him. Whatever you've done, your clearly warming up his heart." Viktor smiled. It made Victoria's heart warm up at his words. "It's something about him that I wanted to talk about, it's the reason you're all even here." Victoria replied. Viktor leaned forward as he was curious about how his sister got Number Five to bring all of the family here after she had been trapped for the past few weeks. "Well, the reason is uh..." Victoria stammered, she wanted to tell Viktor why but she was scared deep down to even say it. "It's because it's your birthday? It's quite nice of him!" Victoria shook her head. "It took something else to convince him, the only way I could see all of you." This caused Viktor to lean even closer. "I...I...I want you to be well, I know you're a guy now but I want you to be my, well, I guess guy of honour now?" She told him. "Oh, that's...nice?" Viktor trailed, as he expected there was more.

"And the wedding is tomorrow!"

All the siblings and Claire except from Five had stopped playing, eating and drinking as it dropped from their hands. They looked straight to Victoria and only had one thing to say.


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