The Decision To Make

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"I'm thinking of going with Five!" Vanya spat out the apple slice out of her mouth in shock. "What?!" She shrieked and wiped her mouth quickly. "You said you wouldn't freak out!" Victoria reminded. "I had no idea you were..." But Vanya stopped herself with a sigh. "You're right, I promised I wouldn't, but can you even consider such a thing?" She said. "You and Allison were volunteering earlier." Victoria stated as she leaned back into the wooden chair. "B-But...Victoria...not can't..." Vanya gasped. "If I don't go...who will?" The red-head said. "Tori, do you hear yourself?!" Vanya exclaimed as her eyebrows narrowed. "We need Grace and Pogo back, safe and sound. They lead us here besides Luther and someone needs to get them back...Five won't let them go until someone takes their place. I think that someone should be me..."

"No, you shouldn't! You can't, I'd rather go instead of you!" Vanya retaliated. "But you have your violin career and your achievement to get first chair and Allison has Claire and her celebrity craze to take care of for herself...I have purpose..." Victoria explained in response. "Don't say that! You do have a purpose! Grace and Pogo need you here to help and keep everyone safe." Vanya replied with a worried look. "Luther could do that once we get them back." Vanya put a hand through her hair as she grunted. "And don't think you don't have've got me and the others who love you and would be heartbroken if you left." She said, trying to reassure her red-head sister. "But suppose nobody agrees to marry Five, what happens then? To us? To everyone else? To the fate of the world?" Vanya fell silent from the shouts of her sister, she wasn't wrong. If no one agreed to marry Five, then everyone and everything would be doomed. It would be the end of the world as they know it.

"Well...I..." She started. "What if my dreams are a sign? What if this is my fate?" Victoria questioned. "Victoria, your fate is not to be en-happily tied to that monster for the rest of your life..." Vanya stated. "Why not?! Can't you see that no matter what I choose I'll always been unhappy?!" The ginger yelled and let a few drops fall down her cheek. "You don't really believe ya?" Victoria broke down into small sobs and clasped a hand over her mouth to muffle them. "I don't know! I just don't know!" She cried and Vanya pulled her into a tight hug. "Oh, there, there...I think we should talk to Luther." She said. "No! You bestie promised!" Victoria yelled as the red-head pulled away and wiped a few tears away. "But he'll know what to do!"

"No! He'll just retaliate and say it's a bad idea!" Victoria said. "But we need to tell someone about this, I don't like this decision you're making, if we talk to someone with good advice. Then maybe we can get a way through this." Vanya replied as she saw some reason in this problem. "That sounds fine...but who can we talk to?" Victoria said.

"Hmm...I think I know just who to ask..."


Number Seven and Eight walked down the streets before ending up at a dead end and on that dead end was a small house that looked like it was made for just one. Vanya knocked on the door and it opened to reveal a small man in a suit. "Who is it?" The little man questioned. "Hey, Herb. It's Vanya, mind if we come in?" Vanya said and the little man smiled at her. "Of course, come in and I'll get some tea." Herb said, letting the woman and ginger in his home. "Who's he?" Victoria whispered to her sister. "He's called Herb, a friend of Diego's. He used to be in kahoots with Five but not anymore." Vanya explained. Victoria winced at the name of the one man she feared but remembered of the decision that she told Vanya. The two sat at a small wooden table and Herb came back in with three mugs and a teapot.

Herb started to pour tea into a cup as Vanya spoke "Thank you kindly,, you've probably heard that Five is back..." He stopped pouring and gave the cup to Vanya. "I noticed when I came home to some of my weapons for self-defence gone and they were weapons that he had used in the past when working with us." He said with gritted teeth. "Oh my!" Victoria gasped, taking the other mug from Herb. "That explains the mess...I'm sure you've heard of his demands." Vanya said after taking a sip. "Word travels fast and it just so happens that Five wants a girl to wed?" Herb responded with an eyebrow raise. "That is correct." Vanya agreed. "And if he doesn't get a bride by tomorrow, he'll hurt Grace and Pogo and I...well, I think..."

𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 (𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐗 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚)Where stories live. Discover now