Short of Breath (Surprise pt 2)

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A/N: This chapter goes off the first chapter. A little background knowledge: Tessa and Dean bought a house about five months prior to the pregnancy. Mary came back (like she did in the beginning of season 12), and Jessica never died. Jess and Sam got married 1 year before this chapter takes place. In this chapter, Dean is 26, Sam is 22, and Tessa is 24. Without further ado, I hope you enjoy!

The next morning, Dean woke up before Tessa. He walked into the living room and picked up the house phone. He dialed the number for the doctor's office, and got an appointment set up for later that day.

As Dean hung up the phone, he noticed Tessa walking down the stairs.

"Good morning, beautiful. I got an appointment set up for 2pm today. I figured after that we could head to the bunker to tell Sam and Mary." Dean sat on the couch with Tessa. "I am excited to see our little hunter." He smiled.

"No. Absolutely not. Our child will not grow up to hunt. Do you understand me?" Tessa turned to look at Dean. "Dean, I am serious."

"Ok, ok, I was just joking. Of course our child will stay away from anything hunting related. I would never want my kids to go through what Sammy and I went through." Dean got up and walked to the kitchen. He returned with a glass of water for Tessa. "I want the best for our little bean. I love you guys, and would never want anything bad to happen to either of you." Tessa smiled and sipped the water.

"I love you, too. I am going to go get a shower now." Tessa took the glass to the kitchen sink.

"Alright, be careful please." Dean smiled and went to the kitchen while Tessa went upstairs to the bathroom. He washed the few dishes that were in the sink.

A few hours had passed, and it was about time to leave for the doctor's office.

"Do you have everything?" Dean asked as he grabbed the keys to the Impala.

"What would I need other than my phone and wallet? We are just going for an ultrasound, Dean. This isn't the birth." Tessa laughed as they walked out to the car.

"Yeah, I know. I am not good with this type of stuff. I have no idea what it takes to be a parent." Dean locked the house door and got in the car. He turned on the radio, which was playing "T.N.T" by AC/DC, who happened to be one of his favorite bands.

"I'm kind of nervous. I haven't had an ultrasound in a few weeks." Tessa looked out the window.

"Wait, you already had an ultrasound?" Dean kept switching his focus between Tessa and the road. "You didn't tell me."

"Well, how do you think I found out? I peed on a stick and then went to the doctor's. I'm sorry I waited this long to tell you." Tessa started to cry.

"Tessa, calm down. I'm not mad. I can't be mad. I still can't believe that we are going to be parents." He smiled and continued driving. Tessa wiped her face and turned up the volume on the radio.

When they arrived at the doctor's office, they were taken back to a room almost immediately. Tessa sat up on the bed, and Dean stood by her side, holding her hand. He was excited to see their baby.

"Knockity knock," They heard someone say as the door opened. Doctor Lindsay Moore walked in the room and shook hands with Dean, as well as with Tessa. "I am so glad to see you guys. I see you told Dean. Congratulations." She nodded and smiled at Dean.

"Thank you. I couldn't believe it when she told me. It was just last night, actually." Dean looked at Tessa and gently squeezed her hand.

"Yeah, I figured it was time he knew. I mean, he is going to change poopy diapers, too." They all shared a laugh.

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