Winter Lightning

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A/N: Long time no post! I haven't posted a chapter in nearly a month, but that doesn't mean that I don't have things in the works. I have been working on this chapter for a while, and I honestly don't love the idea of posting this now. But I don't want it to be too long otherwise nobody would read it. There will be a part two to this because I am not satisfied with how this ends. I don't plan on making too many chapters that require multiple parts, but again, I just didn't want this one to be too long.  in case you can't tell, I'm a sucker for hurt fanfics. I promise there will be chapters that are happy and bubbly and nobody will be dying or crying in them. BTW, Maizlyn is 19 in this chapter. Anyways, enjoy and feel free to comment!

"God I love this song." Maizlyn turned the knob on the radio of her car, blaring the music. She was on her way to a nearby diner to pick up dinner for her, her dad Dean, and her uncle Sam. "Knockin' On Heaven's Door" by Guns N' Roses was playing. It was one of her favorite songs. It was starting to snow for the third time that week. There was ice already covering the road, making it hard for her to drive. But she would rather slip and slide a little than not get dinner for an already hungry Dean Winchester.

She was in her own little world, singing her heart out, not a care in the world. But Maizlyn was quickly brought back to reality when two yellow lights were coming at her. She turned the wheel as far to the right as she could, causing her car to go off the road. What she failed to notice before swerving was that next to her was a pretty steep hill, rocks and a small stream at the bottom.

Before she knew it, Maizlyn was upside down, surrounded by broken glass and rocks. She felt something wet on her face, but ignored it. She looked around, every turn of her head causing a sharp pain to shoot through her whole body. She was disoriented and didn't know why she was upside down. She did, however, know that she was supposed to be picking up burgers for her and her family.

After trying to remember what happened, and failing, Maizlyn decided to pull her phone out of her pocket. She pressed the button on the side, and somehow, the screen lit up. She quickly dialed Dean's number and put the phone up to her right ear.

"Please pick up." Maizlyn whispered to herself. "Please."

"May? Did you get dinner yet? I'm starving." Dean wasn't shy when it came to food.

"Um, no I don't think I did get dinner." Maizlyn frowned, still confused as to what was going on. "Where am I?" She was asking Dean, even though he wasn't there with her.

"What are you talking about?" Dean didn't even attempt to mask his worry. "Why would I know where you are?"

"I-I don't know." The pain caused her to stutter. Maizlyn looked around her, trying to see anything that could tell her where she was. "There are rocks. And snow."

Dean snickered. "May, there is snow just about everywhere right now. And rocks are a normal thing to see when you are in the car. Speaking of which, you need to hang up and keep driving. You'll be home soon."

Maizlyn shook her head as if Dean could see her. "No, I'm not driving. I'm upside down." She felt the wetness still on her face, it probably now on her phone. "There is snow. And rocks."

"What do you mean you are upside down? Are you drunk?" Dean was thoroughly confused. "You've been gone for twenty minutes. Did you chug a bunch of beer in the car or something?"

"No, I'm not drunk. I'm upside down. And it hurts." She exhaled in pain. "A lot."

"What hurts? Why?" Dean was trying to stop himself from panicking. He had no idea what was going on. "Maizlyn, what happened? Where are you?"

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