Another Year Closer to Death

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A/N: I'm going to start this off my saying sorry for not having a chapter out sooner. School has been hell, and I was focused on my other story. But I have a few chapters lined up, so hopefully those will be out soon. Also, I wanted to say that the things written in italics in this chapter are things that the person on the other end of the phone is saying. Anyways, enjoy and feel free to comment!

"Do you think I could just skip all of my classes and stay in the bathroom all day?" Maizlyn asked her best friend as she closed her locker.

"No, Maizlyn, I do not. If I have to go to class, you have to go to class." Hannah was the logical one. Sure, Maizlyn was smart, but Hannah was the one who thought things out. She kept Maizlyn in line. "Now, we have to get to history before Mr. Voleski kills us." Hannah took Maizlyn's hand and practically dragged her down the hall.

The girls entered the room and sat down at their desks, which were conveniently next to each other. Maizlyn felt the strong urge to just walk out of the classroom and go home, but she knew that would get her in a lot of trouble. So she reluctantly pulled her textbook from her bag and opened it to the page they would be reading in class that day.

The first two periods of the day had come and gone, and Hannah and Maizlyn were now eating lunch. They always sat at the same table, which was tucked away in the corner of the grody cafeteria in their just as grody high school. Hannah was eating a slice of pizza that was as stiff as cardboard, and Maizlyn was eating whatever was left of her salad from dinner the previous night.

"So, have you figured out what you want to do for your birthday yet, Maizlyn?" Hannah took a sip of her water. "You are turning sixteen and that is kind of a big deal."

Maizlyn simply shrugged. "I dunno. I haven't really ever celebrated my birthday. My dad just hands me a cookie and says 'happy birthday' and then goes on with whatever it is he does." She never told Hannah about the hunting. It never came up naturally in a conversation, and she was scared that monster would get word that Hannah knew, so she never told.

"Well I think that it is about time you start celebrating. This weekend I want you to come over to my house, and we will order pizza and bake a cake." Hannah smiled at her idea.

"Yeah, and we can talk about boys while painting our nails," Maizlyn teased. "I'm busy this weekend. Maybe another time we can hang out."

"Maizlyn, we haven't hung out outside of school for weeks because you are always busy. And you won't even tell me what you are busy with," Hannah whined. "Just skip whatever it is that you are doing."

Maizlyn rolled her eyes. "I will try my best to make it over. Friday or Saturday?"

"You can come over on Friday around 7. If you can, you should bring your laptop so we can play games while we watch movies." Maizlyn nodded. The girls finished their lunches and went back to class.

Maizlyn walked down the stairs of the bunker and tossed her bag on the table. She headed down the hall and into the kitchen where she found her dad and Sam.

"Hey May," Dean waved. "I was thinking of making chicken for dinner. Does that sound good?"

Maizlyn nodded. "Yeah that sounds great. But I have something to ask you."

"What is it?" Dean took a sip of his beer.

Maizlyn looked down at her feet. "Well my friend wants me to go to her house this weekend, and I figured that since you would be off on a hunt, it would be good so then I'm not alone."

Dean shook his head. "No. Not while Sam and I are on a hunt. You will stay here at the bunker where it is safe."

"Oh, come on, Dad. I never get to go out with my friends like a normal kid."

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