Unprepared and Ill

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A/N: Trigger warning: this chapter talks about labor and things going wrong with labor. If you are sensitive to topics like these, feel free to skip over this chapter. I will put a brief summary of what happens at the beginning of the next chapter. This chapter is a time jump from the previous two. Tessa is considered "full term" in her pregnancy. Her and Dean stayed at the bunker the day before, hence this chapter taking place there. Time for me to quit yapping so you can read the chapter. Enjoy and feel free to leave any suggestion in the comments!

Tessa woke up around 7 o'clock in the morning. She reached for Dean, but he wasn't there. She shot up and looked at the door, which was ajar. She walked into the hallway, and followed the sound of laughter and talking. It led her to the kitchen, where Dean, Mary, and Sam were attempting to cook.

"What is that horrible smell?" Tessa stretched and looked at a pan on the stove, which had dark smoke coming from it.

"That would be those geniuses trying to cook eggs." Mary pointed to Sam and Dean, who were frantically stirring and pouring things into the pan.

"You two are amazing and smart hunters, but you can't cook eggs?" Tessa walked over to the stove. "What the hell did you put in them? Cement? They are hard as a rock." Tessa shakes her head.

Dean looked down at the floor, slightly embarrassed. "Well, there is some milk, pepper, a little bit of salt..." Dean listed something else, but he said it too quietly for Tessa to understand.

"I didn't catch that last one. Could you repeat that, Dean?" Tessa asked while she turned off the burner and rushed the once blue, but now black, pan to the sink.

"Some meat from the back of the fridge." Dean rocked on his heels.

Tessa dropped the pan in the sink and turned around. "Dean, that was salmon! That was supposed to be marinating!" Tessa shook her head and turned back around to the sink. "You know what, just for that you can wash the pan by yourself." After dropping the pan in the sink and turning the water off, Tessa walked over to Dean, kissing him on the cheek before going into the library.

"Good luck with that." Sam pat Dean on the back and followed Tessa into the library. "So, Tessa, not much longer until the baby is here huh?" Sam sat down across from Tessa at the long, scratched up table.

Tessa placed a hand on her stomach. "Yeah, the doctor says I can go into labor anytime now. I'm hoping it happens sooner than later." Tessa was going to say something else, but a sharp pain in her back and abdomen stopped her. "Ouch!" Tessa squeezed her eyes as tight as possible.

"Tessa? What's wrong?" Sam quickly got up and rushed over to Tessa. "What hurts?" He placed his hand on top of hers.

Tessa exhaled slowly. "I'm good. Just a little pain." Tessa smiled and looked at Sam, but he wasn't convinced. "Sam, I promise that I am completely fi-" Tessa wasn't able to finish the word "fine" before another pain shot through her. She squeezed on her stomach with one hand, and held onto the table with the other. Sam was trying to calm Tessa, but it wasn't helping.

"Tessa, breathe. I know it hurts, but try to focus on your breathing." Tessa tried to listen to Sam, but the pain was deafening. "Ok, hang on, I'm going to go get Dean."

"G-go." Tessa managed to get out between the surges of pain. She lightened her grip on the table as the pain slowly left her body.

Not ten seconds later, Dean came speeding in, closely followed by Sam and Mary. Dean crouched down next to Tessa, who had her head tilted back and was staring at the ceiling.

"Tessa what's wrong? What hurts?" Dean placed his hand on Tessa's. He was worried about her and the baby. Dean's mind always traveled to the worst place imaginable. But he had to stay present. He had to stay present and aware for Tessa; for the baby.

"Dean, I am ok. It is just some contractions." Tessa knew she needed to start leaving for the hospital, but she was so much more comfortable and safe in the bunker. She was scared that once she was in hospital, it would all be so real. Of course she knew that she was about to have a baby, but she was far from ready to be a mother.

"Tessa, I think you guys should probably go to the hospital. Your contractions are getting stronger," "Well duh" Tessa thought as Mary was talking. "And they are very close together." Tessa looked up at Dean, who looked scared as shit.

*skipping ahead a little*

Sam drove Dean and Tessa to the hospital. He pulled up to the emergency entrance, ushering them inside.

"Um excuse me?" Dean looked at a nurse, who was typing on a desktop. "I think my wife is about to have a baby." The nurse looked up to see Sam holding a bag, Tessa bending over in pain, and Dean holding Tessa up while trying to talk.

"Oh, I see." The nurse disappeared, but quickly returned with a wheelchair. She helped Tessa sit down, and introduced herself. "My name is Lilly. I will actually be assisting Dr. Tavern during the birth." Lilly took Sam, Dean, and Tessa to a room in the labor and delivery wing.

Dr. Tavern said that Tessa was already in active labor and needed to push before the baby went into distress. Sam had gone into the hallway, and Dean was in the room freaking out.

"Tessa, I need you to push. I know it is scary, but you have to push." Dr. Tavern looked up to see Tessa shaking her head.

"No, I can't. I can't do this." Tessa's face was pale, and she was sweating buckets. She was feeling lightheaded and very overwhelmed. She didn't want to tell Dr. Tavern, but when the monitors started beeping, she knew she wouldn't be able to keep it a secret.

Dr. Tavern turned to Lilly, who was watching Tessa. "Her BP is falling." Dr. Tavern looked up at Tessa, who was looking very weak. "Tessa, are you ok?"

Dean heard the concern in the doctor's voice, and rushed over to Tessa. "Tessa, what's wrong?" Tessa tried to turn her head to look at Dean, but she couldn't gather up enough strength. "Tessa, stay awake for me." Was she falling asleep? All she heard was squawks. Squawks from a bird that wouldn't shut up. Those squawks were the last thing she heard before her world went black.

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