Why Are They So Mean?

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A/N: Hey! So now that Tessa has bit the dust (sorry not sorry), I can start focusing more on Maizlyn (May for short) and Dean. I said that I would put a summary of the last chapter in this one, so here you go: Tessa was taken to have an emergency C-Section due to the strain on the baby, caused by her low blood pressure and other issues (not specified). Dean and Sam had been waiting for a while when Dr. Tavern came out to talk to them. She explained that Tessa had a tear in her uterus, and she didn't survive the surgery. Dean was now the single father of his daughter, Maizlyn Grace Winchester. End of summary. Anyways, in this chapter, Maizlyn is 14 years old, making Dean 40 and Sam 36. I hope you enjoy the chapter, and feel free to comment with any suggestion and such.

Maizlyn walked into the bunker after her first day of high school. She knew her day would be weird and stressful, but she never thought it would be as horrible as it was.

"Hey how wa-" Dean was trying to ask Maizlyn how her day was, but she just kept walking. "Hm, that's strange." Dean turned back around to face the table, picking his beer up.

Maizlyn walked into her room, throwing her backpack on her desk chair. She kicked her shoes off and threw herself onto her bed. She felt tears building, but she shoved her face into her pillow, the pillow case soaking up the tears. Maizlyn closed her eyes, allowing herself to fall into peaceful sleep.


Maizlyn woke up to the sound of someone knocking on her door. She opened her eyes, but didn't bother turning over. She pulled the blanket up to her chin, hoping to convince the person at the door that she was still asleep. But the knocking didn't stop. There was one more soft knock before the door opened.

"May? Are you ok?" It was Sam. "You've been in here since you got home."

Maizlyn didn't bother sitting up. "I'm fine." She was lying, and Sam knew it. But she didn't care. She wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone about her feelings.

Despite Maizlyn wanting to be alone, Sam decided to walk in. He closed the door behind him and sat on the chair against the wall. "May, what's up? This isn't like you." Sam put one leg on the other, his ankle resting on the opposite knee.

Maizlyn sat up, leaning against the headboard. "I just had a crappy day, that's all." She pulled her knees up, crossing her arms and placing them on top. "It's fine."

"Are you sure it is? Because you seem a little down." Sam didn't like seeing Maizlyn upset. He didn't want her to be sad.

"I said it is fine. So please, just drop it." Maizlyn wouldn't look at Sam. She was afraid that the moment she did, tears would start falling down her face, and she wouldn't be able to stop them.

Sam stayed quiet for a moment before deciding to speak. "Well, Dean is making some dinner, so I guess we should head out." Sam stood up, waiting for Maizlyn to do the same.

She watched Sam, but didn't stand with him. "I'm not hungry." Maizlyn laid back down, hoping Sam would go without saying anything. But he knew she wouldn't be that lucky.

"I will make sure there is a burger left for you." Sam smiles and leaves the room, closing the door almost the whole way behind him. It was sort of an unspoken rule that our bedroom doors were to remain slightly open. I guess it was so that in the event of an emergency, you could easily get into each other's rooms.


After laying awake in her bed for nearly two hours, Maizlyn got up and walked to her bureau. She opened the top drawer. She moved around a few pairs of socks, revealing a small box. She went back to her bed and opened the lid. She pulled out a necklace consisting of a silver chain and a daisy pendant. Dean had given that necklace to Tessa when they first started dating. She gripped to box tight, throwing it at the wall as hard as she could. The box made a loud noise as it hit the wall, and then again when it hit the floor. She screamed in anger and stared at the wall.

Dean and Sam perked their heads up when they heard the noise of the box hitting the ground. They were going to stay sitting, but when they heard a scream, they bolted out of the kitchen. They made it Maizlyn's room in a matter of seconds. Dean had his gun pointed straight ahead of him as he pushed the door open. He put his gun in the back of his pants when he saw Maizlyn staring at the wall, her face red.

"May? Sweetheart are you ok?" Dean slowly walked closer to Maizlyn, who was shaking. As he got up next to her, she collapsed into his arms. "Woah, May what's wrong?" Dean frantically looked at Sam, who had a worried look glued on his face. Dean slowly sat down at the floor, cradling Maizlyn against his chest. "May, it's ok. I'm here." He stroked her hair while making quiet shushing noises.

Maizlyn laid her head against Dean's chest as she allowed gallons of tears to fall down her face. "Why did mom have to die?" She grabbed onto Dean's red flannel.

Dean looked down at Maizlyn. "What?" He was in shock at what she had asked. They almost never talked about Tessa.

"W-why did mom have to die? It isn't fair. She should be here." Maizlyn wiped her face, but it was automatically re-wet with more tears.

"She had to die so you could be here." Dean rubbed Maizlyn's back in an attempt to calm her. "You're right. She should be here. I miss her so much." Dean felt a small tear roll down his cheek. Sam pat Dean on the back before exiting the room.

Maizlyn sniffled and pulled her legs in close to the rest of her body. "Dad, I'm sorry I threw the box."

Dean looked at Maizlyn, confused. "You don't have to be sorry about it." Dean kissed Maizlyn on top of the head, and sighed. "May, tell me what happened today." He didn't want to force her to talk, but he knew that she was upset.

"They made fun of me for not having a mom. They said that I was going to grow up to be weird because I don't have a mom to teach me things." Maizlyn knew that what she had just confessed would upset her father.

Dean was taken back at what Maizlyn had told him. "They said that?"

"That was only some of it. They said a lot of other things, but that is what hurt the most." Maizlyn sat up and wiped her face.

Dean looked Maizlyn in the eye. "May, why didn't you say something?"

"Because you have other things to worry about. You have hunting, and everything wrong in the world. I should be the least of your worries." Maizlyn wiped her face and looked at the ground.

Dean's heart broke when he heard those words come out of Maizlyn's mouth. "Are you kidding me? You are the most important thing to me. You are what matters most. You are number one." Dean pulled Maizlyn into a hug. "May, I love you more than anything else in the world. I would trade everything if it meant you were happy." Maizlyn smiled a little when she heard Dean say that.

"I love you too, Dad." Maizlyn let go and stood up, followed by Dean. "I'm sorry I made a big deal out of this. I shouldn't have screamed and thrown the box."

Dean looked at Maizlyn and smiled. "May, don't be sorry. As long as nothing is broken and you aren't hurt, everything is ok. We all get mad sometimes. It is perfectly fine." Dean hugged Maizlyn one last time. "If you ever have any more problems at school, you tell me." Dean let go, and Maizlyn nodded in agreement.

They both walked out and into the Library. Sam was sitting at the table reading some book. He looked up and smiled.

"Hey! You feeling better?" Sam sat the book down and turned to face Dean and Maizlyn.

"Yeah, thanks." Maizlyn smiled and walked over to Sam. "Thank you." She hugged him around his abdomen, and he wrapped his arms around her back.

The three of them finished the night by playing games and eating junk. A perfect evening in Maizlyn's book. And she rarely used the word "perfect" to describe anything in her life.

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