The Loss and Addition of Life

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A/N: Another trigger warning: this chapter deals with some pretty heavy topics, much like the last chapter. So quick summary of the last chapter: Tessa woke up in the bunker (her and Dean had been staying there as she neared the end of her pregnancy). Her and Sam were sitting in the library when she started having contractions. Jump ahead to her, Dean, and Sam in the hospital, and things started taking a turn for the worse. Tessa's blood pressure was dropping and she ended up losing consciousness. So that's pretty much all that happened in the last chapter. I will put a summary of this chapter in the next one. The end of this one is important, so if you can, I recommend you read the last tiny bit of it. Feel free to leave comments and enjoy! 

After what felt like hours of sitting in the waiting room with Sam, Dean saw Dr. Tavern approaching them. "Mr. Gibson?" She addressed him with their fake name.

Dean quickly stood up, followed by Sam. "What is it? Is she out of surgery?" Dean waited for an answer, but Dr. Tavern just stood there.

Tessa had been taken for an emergency C-Section. Her blood pressure had fallen quickly, causing her to lose consciousness. The baby was going into distress, and if they didn't get the baby out quickly, well, it wouldn't have ended well.

"Um, why don't we sit down?" Dr. Tavern put a hand on Dean's arm as they sat down. "When we got in the operating room, the baby was under an extreme amount of stress due to a tear in Tessa's uterus." Dean's face morphed into a look of pure fear. Was their baby ok? Was Tessa going to be able to hold a healthy baby in a few hours? "Lilly and a few other doctors were able to move the baby to the NICU." Dean relaxed his face a little when he heard Dr. Tavern say that his baby was safe. But when she shakily exhaled, the worry came right back. "Once your baby was safe, I went to work on Tessa. She had major bleeding in her abdomen." Dr. Tavern looked up at Dean. "We uh," Dr. Tavern was having a hard time getting the words out. "We worked as hard as we could, and did everything we knew how to do. There was just too much damage." Dean stared at Dr. Tavern with wide eyes. He knew what she was about to say, but he didn't want to believe it. "Tessa died at 12:51 PM. I am so sorry." Dr. Tavern gave Dean a pat on the shoulder before walking off.


The ride back to the bunker was quiet, and felt like it dragged on forever. Dean decided to drive, and Sam was sitting in the passenger seat. The radio was turned off, which showed how much pain Dean was truly in. I mean, he had just lost the love of his life after all.

In the backseat sat a baby car seat, which held Dean's brand new daughter. She had the prettiest green eyes, and thick brown hair. Her small features caused Dean to fall in love with her as soon as he saw her. She made the smallest noises that comforted Dean.

"Dean, if you want I could stay with you for a while," Sam turned to Dean. "Just while you get situated with the baby and everything." When Sam said "everything", it struck Dean in the heart.

"'Everything'?" Dean talked while he was watching the road. "You mean Tessa being dead? Me being a single parent? My daughter not having a mother?" Dean felt sadness rising in him, but he quickly turned it into anger. He didn't want to be sad, because he didn't want to believe that Tessa was gone. His sadness would only confirm the tragedy.

"Yeah, that's what I mean." Sam sighed heavily. "Dean, this isn't going to be easy. You can't raise your child and grieve without someone there for you. I just want to help, that's all." Sam turned his head and looked out his window at the street lamps they passed.

"The only thing I need is for Tessa to be here with me. That is all I need." Dean felt a tear falling down his cheek. He tightened his grip on the steering wheel of the Impala, and listened to the purr of the engine.


Dean pulled the Impala into the garage of the bunker. He got out and opened the back door on the driver's side, revealing a sleeping baby. She looked so peaceful laying there.

"Hi baby girl," Dean smiled as he carefully lifted the car seat out of its base. Sam had grabbed the bag out of the trunk, holding it in his left hand, doctor's notes occupying the other.

Sam opened the bunker door, holding it for Dean, who was walking slowly so that the baby wouldn't wake up. As Dean made his way down the stairs , Mary came out from around the corner.

"Hey!" Mary sat the rag she was drying her hands with on the table. "Where is Tessa?" She looked around, but still only saw the boys and her new granddaughter. She looked up to see Dean holding back tears, and she immediately knew what was going on. "Oh Dean, I'm so sorry." Dean let tears fall as Mary reached her warm hand up to his cheek. He just stood there for a moment, feeling the love his mother has for him. Mary let go and looked down at the baby. "Hi sweetheart." She looked back up at Dean, the biggest smile on her face. "I have a granddaughter?"

Dean nodded and put the car seat up on the table. "Mom, Sam, I want to introduce you to Maizlyn Grace Winchester."

A/N: Very quickly, I wanted to give a shoutout to my best friend Matilda for help on Maizlyn's middle name.

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