Chapter 14

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PoV: Sonic

"I love you."

"Huh?" What did he just say? I miss heard that right? He loves me? But...

"Sonic?" Knuckles pulled me out of my thoughts, "You heard me right?"

"I did..." I sat up, "I just... I didn't expect it is all. Thank you..."

"If you don't return my feelings," he was starting to get up, "I can-"

"No I do!" I grabbed his arm. I do? I didn't know why, but... I couldn't bear the thought of him leaving... "I love you... I think... I'm not really sure yet..."

  He pulled me into his arms. His face was so close to mine... huh?

  His lips... he was kissing me... it was so soft and gentle... I wanted to stay this way for just a little while longer...

"Are you sure now?" He asked, still holding me.

"Yes... I'm sure. I love you."

"Then..." he had a silver ring in his hand, "Be my boyfriend, and... wear this promise ring."

"Okay," I slipped the ring onto my middle finger, "I will."
PoV: Knuckle

  I held Sonic close as I took us back to my house. He had fallen asleep as we watched the stars. I laid him down in my bed and tucked him in. I had done it... I had made him mine.

  He was my boyfriend.

"I'm so glad I took the ring..." I collapse onto my couch. I was so nervous hed say no. I had bought the ring last year, but I never found a good reason to give it to him. Now he would wear for as long as our relationship lasted. With luck, he'd never have to give it back except for when I replace it with an engagement ring. He's not ready to move that fast. And I'm not either.

"I have to tell Tails," I couldn't stop smiling. I had him... I finally had Sonic to myself.


"We're all here!" The others showed up the next morning. Sonic's face was bright red as I held onto his hand. We were sitting on the couch together. His blushing face was too adorable.

"We don't have to het you know," I got up to open the door.

"No! I can't hide it from them I... I don't want to lie to them," he was so honest it was adorable.

"I'll hold you hand when its time," I gave him a kiss on the cheek which made his face practically blow up in a red blush.

"No, I was just getting calm~!" He grabbed a pillow and buried his face into it.

  I just smiled and open the door for the others. Tails came flying in and sat down on the couch next to Sonic, who dropped the pillow from the sudden shift in weight on the cushion.

"So what's the big news you called us for at four in the morning?" Amy asked as she came in.

"We'll talk about it in a bit," I answered.

"This isn't over yet," Mighty glared at me.

"I think it is," I shut the door after Ray came in.

"We'll keep fighting," Ray huffed and sat on the other couch with Mighty.

"Sonic, that's a pretty ring," Amy had already noticed, "Why don't you ever buy my anything nice like that?"

"Um... well..." he was already caught. He gave me a look of desperation, he wanted help.

"Amy, move over," I sat between them and took Sonic's hand.

"Hey! I want to be next to- Wait, what's going on?" Amy backed down and sat in the recliner.

"We're dating," I held his hand and Sonic's face blew up with blush again.

"Hurray!" Tails shouted.

"What?!" Amy jumped out of her chair, "You only tell me now! How long have you been couple?!"

"S-Since last night..." Sonic squeezed my hand.

"So... you didn't date behind my back?" Amy sat down, "Man... you should have told me you were gay."

"Oh... I'm not really... I don't really mind what gender my partner is," he hadn't even figured out his sexuality yet, "But I know I like Knuckles."

"Congratulations!" Tails hugged Sonic who was still completely flustered.

"You're all okay with this?" Sonic asked.

"Well," Mighty sighed, "I guess I have to be. Since Knuckles won fair and square. But, I wont stop trying."

"Huh? Won? Trying?" Sonic was completely lost.

"Eh?! You too?!" Amy shouted, "Why did no one tell me I had competition!"

"Its your fault for not noticing, even I knew about these two," Ray pointed to Tails, "He was helping."

"What?! Fine then I won't give up yet either!" Amy shouted.

"What's going on?" Sonic hadn't gotten a clue.

"Its not important, come on," i took him outside and I found us a nice sunny spot by the trees.

"Want  to take a picture to commemorate us?" I asked.

"Sure," Sonic smiled and I quickly grabbed a camera.

"Are we taking pictures? I want to help!" Amy ran out after me once i had my camera.

  We all wound up out side. We all stood behind the camera.

  Beep. Beep. Beep. CLICK!

"Okay, just you two now," Tails ran behind the camera an only me an Sonic  stood in view.

"Ready?" I looked at him.

"Yeah!" He smiled.

"3!" Tails started counting, "2, 1!"

  I gave Sonic a kiss on the cheek and- CLICK!

"Its super cute!" Tails cheered.

"Why did you do that?! Its on camera!" Sonic was mad.

"So I remeber exactly how you feel," I hugged him.

"No, that's too emberassing!"

"Too bad."



  Everyone went home, and Sonic stayed behind with me. We spent the rest of the day together.

  We spent everyday together. We spent it all together, every moment was one I cherished with him.

  I would never forget the day Tails took the picture that now sits on our nightstand. The day Sonic told me he loved me.

  I love you too.

  I love you too

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~~~ The End ~~~

  I really enjoyed this story, I found it to be so cute and lighthearted. I hope you all loved it as much as I did.

Goodbye everyone~ 😚


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