Chapter 12

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PoV: Tails

"So? How is it?" I wanted to know every detail of everything that had happened. Amy was busy watching Sonic nap.

"I did something stupid, but I think it worked," Knuckles looked through the window at Sonic who was still sound asleep.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"Well, I pulled him close and in a deep voice, I said You know better than to lie to me. Now his face goes red anytime I'm close to him," Knuckles laughed.

"How did I never think of that. We should have got with seduction from the start. Sonic would have fallen for you immediately," I couldn't believe that tactic never crossed my mind. Of course Sonic could be swept off his feet. Amy's seduction plans only failed because Sonic isn't into girls, "You just have to pull him in for a kiss. Sonic had always been a big fan of music and relaxing... I got it!"

"You have a plan?" Knuckles' focus changed to me in a split second.

"I do, now here's what we'll do."
PoV:  Sonic

"Mm... I fell asleep again?" I sat up and froze when. I was met with Amy's face, "Hi Amy..."

"Did you sleep well?" She was too close for comfort.

"Yeah... I guess... I have to use the bathroom," I took off to the bathroom and locked the door.

  We aren't alone right? Knuckles has to be home. My arm was throbbing. I didn't know how long it had been since I last had a pain killer. I hoped it had been four hours so I could take one.

  I did what I needed to. It was hard to wash my right hand by itself but I managed. I walked out and Amy was gone. I let out a sigh of relief and looked around. I wanted to find someone to prove I wasn't alone with her. I eventually spotted Knuckles and Tails outside the window. I waved and Tails gave me a huge smile before turning back to Knuckles.

"Wonder what their talking about," I walked I to the kitchen to find myself a snack and Amy was there waiting.

"I made you some cupcakes," she held up a cupcake covered in pink frosting.

"Oh... thanks," I took it from her, "what flavor is it?"

"Strawberry~" she was smiling and giggling to herself.

  She did something to the cupcake...

"Thanks for the cupcake, but I'll eat it after lunch-"

"I made lots more, you should eat this one now," she was insiting. I noticed the plate behind her. The other cupcakes had white frosting.

  She marked it out!

"Really Amy-"

"Sonic, you're finally up," Mighty came in behind us, "How are you feeling?"

"Oh sweet, cupcakes!" Ray ran up to the plate of white cupcakes.

"I'm fine, just thinking about lunch," I was still struggling against Amy and her cupcake, "How about you-mm!" She stuck the cupcake in my mouth!

"There!" She had the brightest smile. She planned that! "You can have a wonderful cupcake for lunch!"

"Amy, maybe dowbt force it down his throat," Might handed me a glass of water to help swallow the cupcake. I couldn't exactly spit it out in front of Amy. I really hope that was a normal cupcake.

"He likes it. Help yourself to the rest if you want Sonic. I guess you too Mighty," Amy walked to oven and pulled out a tray of cookies, "These are for dessert."

  I managed to escaped the kitchen while Mighty and Ray praised Amy's cooking. I ran into Knuckles in the living room.

"Feeling better after a nap?" He pulled me against him. It was always normal before, but now it made my body feel warm and my head a bit foggy.

"Y-yeah," I answered. Knuckles had forced me to take a nap since I kept getting mad.

"Good, cause I wanna take you somewhere tonight," he let me go and smiled, "Be ready by seven."

"O-okay..." I watched him walk away.

  It felt like he was leaving me in anticipation... It make me feel light like a feather and a warm chill rush up my spine.

  This feeling... it was like I couldn't wait for tonight.


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