Chapter 9

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PoV: Sonic

"Damn it!" I pulled at the bars in front of the door. Tails had installed them so I couldn't get out. Right now Eggman was attacking and I needed to get to them.


"Ahh!" I ducked as the wall blew in from an explosion. I coughed as I inhaled the dry wall that had scattered everywhere.

"I'm free..." I smiled as I saw the gaping hole in the wall. Now was my chance, the problem was the horde of robots coming in. I kicked one away as it came close. I had to be careful of my right arm, so long as Eggman didn't notice it I would be fine.

  I picked up a broom, for now I'd use this for defence. Lucky for me, Eggman's robots were easy to destroy.

"Time to escape this prison!"
PoV: Mighty

"Sonic?!" I ran into the house, the robots inside were destroyed. I found Sonic with a broken broom in his hand. A bee bot was heading his way, "Sonic look out!" I punched the bot into the wall.

"I had him," Sonic started to walk away, "Thanks anyway. Now then!"

"Hold it!" I grabbed him, "Where do you think you're going?"

"I'm leaving the house, I'm sick of being in here!" He tried to pull his only good hand away from me.

"You're gonna get yourself even more hurt than you already are," I tossed him over my shoulder.

"Mighty! Put me down! Put me down!" He kicked but didn't hit me. I pulled off the iron bars in front of the back door and brought Sonic to the closest roo., "What are you doing?! Mighty don't do this!"

"I can't have you getting hurt again!" I stuck the bars in front if the closet door. It was the closet room I could get him too. He wouldn't be able to escape, "There," I put him down while we were both inside.

"Mighty!" He shouted as I bent the bars open to step out. I shut them behind me to keep him inside, "You can't leave me in here!"

"I have to," I shut the door and he went quiet, "Now to finish this fight."

  I ran back to the others and helped take out the rest of the bots. The battle was an easy victory with Sonic safe again.

"Mighty where's Sonic?" Tails flew over to me after Eggman retreated.

"I have him in the closet right now. It was the only spot I could get him to without the robots finding him," I answered.

"You what!?" Tails took off.

"What's wrong?" I followed him.

"You can't do that to him. He's closterphobic!" Knuckles snapped at me. He pulled the door off the closet, I couldn't see Sonic in there. Knuckles ripped the bars off the wall and walked in, "Sonic..."

"Is he okay?" Ray walked up to them.

"He'll be fine," Knuckles came out, Sonic was curled into a ball in his arm, "Tails can you get the oven mitts? His defences are up and it's not easy to hold him."

"Yeah one second," Tails left and searched through the rubble of the kitchen. He came back with oven mitts and helped Knuckles into them.

"I didn't know..." I reached for Sonic and his quills stabbed me, "Ow!"

"Oven mitts Mighty," Knuckles sighed, "He's not gonna let anyone touch him. Tails, I'm gonna bring him back to my house on angle island. He'll be safe with me there."

"Okay. I'll start rebuilding the house," Tails looked around.

"Guys, that's too far. Tails you and Sonic can stay with me. I live closest so it'll make rebuilding easier. Knuckles you can stay too, we need more than one person for heavy lifting," Amy was able to pet Sonic no problem, but she was a hedgehog herself.

"Its okay Amy. If Sonic is on Angle Island he'll have more space and be safe from Eggman. Him staying with Knuckles is safest," Tails wrapped a blanket around the ball Sonic was still in.

"You're right..." Amy sighed, "At least let me visit so I can make sure he's doing okay."

"Sure thing Amy," Knuckles left with Sonic his hands, I had ruined it... any chance I had with Sonic was destroyed, all because I didn't know he was closterphobic. Tails started cleaning up with Amy's help. Ray and I were helping clean out the larger pieces of rubble.


"Hey," Ray placed a hand on my shoulder, "It's okay. I'm sure Sonic will forgive you."

"I'm such and idiot... I should have known he hated small spaces," I slammed my head against my palm.

"Mighty, it's okay. You didn't know. Sonic won't stop being friends with you over this. I know, we can get him an apology gift. Sonic had been wanting that new game for a while now. You could get him that," Ray smiled, "I'll wrap it for you!"

"Thanks Ray. I'll get him that," I felt a bit better knowing I could at least apologize to him.

  I kept that fact in my mind. I wasn't ever going to let Sonic get trapped in a small space again.

I'm never making this mistake again.


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