Chapter 25 - 10K Special fluff

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You were sitting on Sukunas lap, slowly falling asleep as he nudged you softly. "What is it Sukuna..." you murmured. "Don't fall asleep little doll..." He whispered close to your ear. You blushed and then opened your eyes, noticing that the sun was already going down. 

The sky had a beautiful orange tone and the sun was slowly disappearing behind the horizon. The landscape had in a light orange tone and some birds were flying beside (PN). It was such a beautiful atmosphere. Your eyes lighten up immediately and you enjoyed the outlook.

"Isn't it beautiful little doll?" Sukuna asked and you nod smiling. "Yeah it really is..." you said, as Sukuna wrapped his strong arms around you, pulling you closer and putting his head on yours. "I wanted to show you this..." he said and you looked up to him smiling. "Was that the reason why you were in a hurry to finally leave the cave of Akuma?" A light pink appeared on his cheeks and he looked away. "Maybe." He simply said and your heart started melting.

"Hey...little doll" he said after you two have been watching the sunset. "What is it?" you asked and he stayed silent for a minute before continuing. "I just want you to know that I care about you and that I-I truly....l-love you" he said lightly blushing, while looking away again. You took his cheeks between your hands and smiled warmly at him. "I love you too handsome..." you replied and he looked at you surprised. It was the first time you called him with a nickname. He smirked victoriously. "Do you think I'm handsome?" he asked and you nod with a red face. "S-sure...I mean y-" he silenced you with a sweet kiss on your lips and you replied smiling.

After some time, (PN) landed on a high viewpoint of a mountain full with soft grass and colorful flowers. You and Sukuna got down and he made you sit down beside him into the green grass.

"Hey Sukuna..." you started and he gave you a quick kiss to stop you from talking. He layed down and pulled you onto his chest. "W-what are you doing." you stuttered and he pulled you closer, gently laying your head onto his strong and muscular chest. He put one arm around your waist to keep you in place, while the other hand slowly started to stroke you hair. You blushed and put one hand on his head, crawling his hair as well. „Shhh little doll... just enjoy the moment..." he whispered and you nod and then slowly closed your eyes. The fresh air was slightly blowing into your face and you enjoyed the light scent of the flowers around you.

"You did that on purpose didn't you..." you then started talking. "I noticed that we were flying through different landscapes." You continued and he sighed. "You can't just shut up for once can you?" he said and you pouted. "Yes your right...I was planning to show you the sunset, since you usually just see dead trees in my fortress." He said and you smiled at him. "Cute..." You commented and kissed him on his nose. "Oi...I am the one that teases you...not you little one." He spoke and you giggled.

After enjoying the moment, Sukuna picked you up, carried you back onto (PN) back. He sat down and placed you down onto his lap, hugging you from behind. (PN) then flow into the sunset with you two, enjoying the fresh air and the beautiful outlook.

I know I may wrote it too romantic but a fluff needs to be hella cute in my opinion! I am going to write the lemon tomorrow, since I want to make it extra long just like the fluff one just now <3 I hope you liked it!

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