Chapter 26 - 10K Special Lemon

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I apologize for the late's been new year and I am trying to shift rn <3 I will start light with Haikyuu and "normal" boys before I dare to meet Sukuna oop...

Anywayss...Happy New Year! <3

Again...if your under aged, not interested or too innocent I suggest you to skip that chapter! But I know y'all are hungry for some "specials."

You and Sukuna arrived back at the fortress and he carried you all the back into the bedroom. "Some alcohol please!" Sukuna ordered and the two servants came in with two glasses and some alcohol. "Why alcohol?" You asked and he smirked. "You only saw me drunk...I want to see you drunk as well." He spoke and you sighed. "Oi! Drink already!" Sukuna said and you slowly started to drink it. He took a glass as well and you two continued to chat and drink.

After some time you slowly started to feel a little dizzy. As you looked at Sukuna, you noticed that he opened his kimono, showing off his half naked and muscular chest. He noticed your staring and smirked victoriously. You quickly looked away with a flushed face while he laughed. "I saw that little doll...I can show you some more if you like..." He whispered in your ear and you squeaked how quick he moved so close to you.

He slid a arm around you and pulled you onto his lap, slowly nibbling on your ear while continue to whisper. "I know you like it when i dominant you..." He then slowly moved a hand into your kimono, slowly starting to massage your chest. You gasped and were about to grab his hand to pull it away as he grabbed your wrist and held it in place. "Bad little doll...I can still do whatever I want..." he mumbled and you blushed.

He then slid his hand further down to your private part, starting to please you. Your lips escaped a little moan and you bit onto your lips immediately. He placed your wrist to the side and used the hand to open the kimono even more, exposing more of your skin. He then entered with one finger, slowly moving up and down. "You like it don't you." He growled and you didn't respond. He was a really good seducer, you couldn't deny that. He used his free hand to continue to massage your chest while you were sitting there, totally exposed.

You decided that you could play that game as well and started to grind against him. His lips escaped a little groan as you continued with your act and slowly felt something hard under you. "Don't you dare to try to get the upper hand little doll" He growled as he added a other finger, moving faster now. He then started to trace kisses over your neck and sucking on it, leaving a hickey behind. He then kissed your mark on your collarbone. It had health pretty well and it showed that you were his property. "You're mine..."

After some time you started to get impatient and turned yourself, facing him. You kissed him passionately and he slid his tongue through your lips. His fingers left your private place and he shoved you onto your back, pinning you down. He pulled the soft fabric from your kimono away and put his masculinity at your entrance. You sighed out in pleasure as he slowly entered, filling you up. He smirked as he pushed himself in completely, making you squeak out in pain. "Show me that you want it." Sukuna ordered and you quickly grabbed his neck, starting to kiss him. He smirked through the kiss and started to move. He was slow and gentle at first.

But after some time he grew impatient and started to push harder into you. He took one of your leg and put it on his shoulder, entering deeper as you arch your back. He put his hands around your neck, starting to squeeze it. (Yes...he's choking you again since I know y'all have a kink for it 0.o) You moaned and he started to groan as well, liking the feeling of you being warped around him. You and Sukuna reached your climax shortly after and were now all snuggled up in Sukunas strong arms.


It took me so much courage to write that y'all have no idea 0.0 anyways I hope you enjoyed and again I apologize to keep you guys waiting for so long.

In love with the King of curses - Sukuna x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now