Chapter 30 - Betrayal

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I just wanted to address a little thing.

This story is for everyone! It dosen't matter what size, color or gender you are. Since mostly of the readers are female I made a average female reader. But if your a male and you want to enjoy this story just image some parts a little different. ^.^

I want you to feel good and comfortable with Sukuna if he's your comfort character. I am currently a little stressed so this is the reason why I am not updating so quick as I did before.

After you has knocked out that one person around 10 men came in surrounding you. They must have heard the painful screaming. They pushed you down and hold their weapon at your neck. But you weren't going to give up so easily. One suddenly shouted your name what made you look up. Your eyes widen as you saw a guy holding a knife to Sukunas neck. „Give up...and stop resisting you monster!" A other guy screamed while the you looked at Sukuna worried. You knew that Sukuna was able to heal himself but you had no idea how long the poison is going to affect him.

You simply growled at them and then put your dagger down. As soon as Sukuna is waking up we're going to get the hell out of here or better...kill them all. Your hands got chained together, so were Sukunas. The people brought you to the throne room and your eyes widen as you saw Akuma casually sitting on Sukunas throne. „You...traitor...." you shouted angrily while trying to attack him. Akuma just laughed and watched you snap at him. „Take it easy sweetie...I made a pact with the humans since they were suffering under Sukunas dominion."

„Him and you against protection from every curse prison in the world." Akuma continued. Your nightmare tried to tell you something and you just ignored it...Sukuna and you got in the vision. You already knew the ending so you had to make sure it's not going to happen. „What do you want? And why aren't you effected from the poison?" You asked Akuma and he just laughed. „Well since I help them and gave them some of my power they gave me an antidote." he continued while making his way towards you. You instantly wanted to step back, only to get pushed down onto the hard ground by the humans. „Stay where you are monster." someone shouted.

Enough was enough you thought. You can't let it end like in the dream...You pulled yourself together and cast all your strength only to release it. With that, you threw the humans that held you down away. You broke the chains in half and grabbed a sword that one guy dropped as he got thrown away.

„You're messing with the wrong people..." you growl and Akuma just smirked. „Bring it on sweetie...but make sure that your nail won't break." he chuckled. Anger overcame you and you attacked him with intense speed. He wasn't able to dodge and you got to cut a clear cut through his stomach. Clearly surprised he glanced back at you, having a more serious face now as well. „If you want it that way..." he spoke while the wound got sealed with his healing power. „If you can't bleed out i just need to cut you into pieces!" you shouted, going in for the next attack. This time Akuma was faster and you were about to get stabbed into the chest when someone suddenly grabbed Akumas sword. „Man you're annoying...I can't even trust one person can it?" Your eyes widen as you saw Sukuna in front of you.

„Know your place....fool"

Yes I updated late and I apologize! We're getting so many reads i can't even believe it... I wanted to do a 20k special but I didn't even got to write it. So thank you so so much for the amazing support!

In love with the King of curses - Sukuna x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now