Chapter 37 - Escape

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You glanced back at the fortress...your eyes full with rage to the humans and to Akuma...but for now you had to retreat...Making sure that Sukuna is alright. He was unconscious, just laying there. You flew with (PN) onto a mountain on a safe clearing. You gently dragged Sukuna off (PN) and slowly ran a hand over his face. He was ice cold...but breathing. You sighed at his current state. You never imaged that the consequences were this high. Since you didn't have a place to stay you decided to go into your old cabin up in the mountains. It was near your old palace and it wouldn't be used from anyone else than you. It's going to bring back memories but you decided that this was the only place you could go.

After about a three hour flight you finally arrived at the little house, well hidden behind the big stones that was surrounding it. This house was meant for you to hide if your fortress would ever get attacked. The flight over your old country brought back bad memories. You remembered the fun you had with Yui and all the training sessions you sneakily skipped.

As you opened the door some bats welcomed you with a loud squeak. You sighed as you watched them fly off. This place was dirty, and you had to clean it in Levi Ackerman style. You had gently laid Sukuna into the grass near the house as you started to clean the place out.

After about an other hour you were able to put Sukuna into the bed in the little cabin and put some bandages around his injuries, but not before cleaning them up with water. You had no idea how long he was going to stay in that state so you decided to share some of your curse power. Sukuna told you once about that and you gently put your palm onto his chest, closing your eyes and letting strength float into his body.

He started to growl and you quickly opened your eyes hopefull, seeing his forehead frown. He is fighting, you recognized that in his expression. You placed a short kiss on his tensed temple before standing up and going out to hunt. Even if curses didn't had to eat, you still wanted to get some food for Sukuna.

As you returned it already got dark and you checked on (PN) before entering the cabin again. You had to improve yourself until Sukuna wakes up...and you had to make a plan to beat Akuma and the humans. "We're going to get revenge....I promise."

<<<Timeskip 2 Months>>>

Sukuna was in the coma for 2 Months watched over him every night and didn't lose hope. His wounds were mostly cured and you had grown into a much stronger curse you were before. You trained, hunted and got to know the area better. It was evening and you were at your usual spot of watching over Sukuna sleep. You eventually layed your head down on the old mattress and drifted off to sleep.

You got woken up by a hand slowly patting your hair. You quickly shut your eyes open to see who the intruder was only to see Sukuna smirking weakly at you.

"Hey my little doll...long time no see"


Yuhuu a other chapter done! Next one is going to be with more Sukuna. I am going to update it tomorrow since it's late here and I should sleep <33 Love y'all!

In love with the King of curses - Sukuna x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now