chapter 7: celadon gym battle and some more love

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" blah blah " = normal human speaking


" sup bish"= pokespeech which only izuku understands or when izuku speaks through mind.


3rd person POV.

we see that our gang has just arrived in celadon city after a hour and a half drive , izuku drove straight to the nearby restaurant since all of them were very hungry. They soon found a restaurant right next to the pokemon center. Izuu parked at the car at the pokemon center parking area and got out along with momo , jirou , ria and gardi who got out her pokeball halfway through the journey to celadon city.

The gang walked into the restaurant and were greeted by a waiter who said " hello , welcome to author restaurant , i assume you need a table for 5?". izuku smiled and replied " yes please.". The waiter bowed and took the gang to a table big enough for all 5 of them and said " please ring the bell whenever you guys are ready to order food" and left. the gang settled down and looked through the menu and ordered their food.

IZUKU'S pov.

After 15 minutes , we got our order and immediately dug into the food and payed out bill and left to go to the celadon gym . i returned gardi and the rest of us resumed walking towards the gym, while walking i noticed the pleasant smell in the air by my aura enhanced smelling but paid no mind to it as we kept walking towards celadon gym.

After 10 min, i am finally in front of the celadon gym along with my lover and i pushed open the door and we were immediately hit by a wave of the best smelling perfume i ever smelled . Momo and jirou immediately ran inside while ria said to me " erika is famous for researching these perfumes , even i wanna buy some ." .

 I smiled and said " sure, go ahead". Ria then smiled and went over to momo and jirou who are testing a few perfumes. A few shopkeepers were helping them while i went to one and asked " excuse me ma'am, may i know where i can fine miss erika to challenge her to a pokemon battle."with a gentle smile .

The shop lady then said " pls wait for a few minutes, i will call miss erika here" and she left for the stairs and i went towards jirou who looks troubled between choosing 2 different perfumes. I put my head on her shoulder surprising her a bit and said " why not let me choose love , i have a great sense of smell".

she smiled and showed me the 2 different coloured perfume bottles, one was black and the other one was dark violet. i took a sniff of them both and made a decision of which would be better on kyoka and i came to a decision and said " the dark violet one suits you better kyoka." , she smiled and went to the cashier with ria and momo to pay for the perfume.

After the girls purchased their perfumes, we all sat down at the chairs and waited for erika to arrive here, after a while i saw erika coming down with the same shopkeeper whom i asked for a audience with erika . I then went towards her and extended my arm saying " hello miss erika , i am izuku and i am here to challenge you to a gym battle for the celadon gym badge" , she shook my hand and said " i will accept your challenge , let's head to the battlefield". 

We arrived at the battle firlas surrounded by trees, flowers, grass and a open sky for grass types to absorb solar energy for certain attacks. Erika and i proceeded towards our battle stations and the referee came in the middle and announced " THIS IS A 2 VS 2 GYM BATTLE BETWEEN ERIKA THE CELADON CITY GYM LEADER AND IZUKU THE CHALLENGER , THE CHALLENGER IS ALLOWED TO SUBSTITUTE HIS POKEMON" she then looks towards the both of us and said " TRAINERS , BRING OUT YOUR FIRST POKEMON". 

I took a pokeball and enlarged it and threw it while saying "  its battle time , combusken!", my combusken came out as ready as ever for a battle. erika had a look of confusion for a moment but it quickly went away as she pulled out a pokeball , enlarged it and threw it saying " come on out vileplume " , out came a vileplume looking like-

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