Chapter 21 : the finals. Lets go Dominate.

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" blah blah " = normal human speaking


" sup bish"= pokespeech which only izuku understands or when izuku speaks through mind.


3rd person POV.

Izuku arrived in the pokemon center and got his pokemon healed. Izuku then headed to the audience and after spotting his group. Izuku went there as he said " Hey girls , how's the present battle going.". Momo gave Izuku a wave as Ria said " It's going quite evenly , both the girls lost 2 pokemon and are now at their third.". 

Izuku sat beside Jirou as he asked " What are the names of the trainers?". Jirou answered " Rosalina and Merl are their names .". Izuku nodded as the group continues watching the battle. After 20 minutes , the match was finally won by Merl and her last pokemon Typhlosion , possibly her starter. 

The gang also watched the last match and after 30 minutes , the match ended with Anthony as winner. The announcer then said " THE SEMI-FINALS BETWEEN THE TOP 4 WILL BE CONDUCTED TOMORROW , NOW WE WILL CALL UPON THESE TOP FOUR TO CONGRATULATE THEM AND DECIDE TOMORROW'S MATCH PAIRINGS.".

The crowed clapped as Izuku , Merl , Anthony and Assunta walked onto the field. The announcer hen said " NOW , MR-GOODSHOW WILL COME TO ON STAGE. EVERYONE PLEASE BE SILENT .". Mr. Goodshow arrived on stage as he looked at the 4 trainers and took a mic and said "  these are our top 4 trainers . from here one the trainers eliminated in the semi-finals will share the 3rd place , the one eliminated in finals will get the 2nd place. All the top 3 positions have special prizes and medals. Meanwhile the top 16 will also have the a medal representing that they have got into the top 16. Now the match-ups will be shown on screen". 

Four pics of the top 4 trainers appeared as they started shuffling around. The pictures stopped as the first match was between Merl and Assunta, the second match is between Izuku and Anthony. Izuku turned around and left after seeing the match-ups to do research on his opponent.

{ sorry if you guys wanna see the semi's but I am skipping it since I wanna finish the finals and go to Johto quickly , I have a original movie planned for this book. In the Johto region. Ash wont be there much since he will travel orange islands before Johto , so you can say Ash will be a month behind Izuku.}


The referee declared " Assunta's Venasaur has fainted, The match goes to Izuku and his Blaziken!". The crowd cheered as Izuku fist-bumped Blaziken and the announcer said " ANOTHER DOMINATING MATCH BY IZUKU , HE HAS SWEEPED ASSUNTA'S TEAM USING HIS GARCHOMP AND BLAZIKEN. IZUKU HAS MADE IT TO THE FINALS .". Izuku and Merl got onto the field as Mr. Goodshow appeared on the stage and took a mic and said " We got our top 2 trainers of the league , the finals will be conducted tomorrow , the trainers will be escorted by police officials to the match. Lets all clap in applause for our top 2 of the league , Merl and Izuku!.".

The crowd cheered as both trainers faced each other. Merl chuckled a bit nervously as she said " This is honestly my second league , my first was in Johto and I went till quarter's and lost, So this is a bit overwhelming for me.". Izuku also nodded as he said " Its the same for me too , I never really communicated much with many people , I just trained my pokemon all my life. All I know about people are what I read from books. This is my first time in a league too. I am also very nervous of any accidents I make in front of people.". 

Assunta was shocked as she exclaimed " WOW , Its your first time and you are already soo strong . You must have trained really hard.". Izuku nodded as he said " like I said , I trained all my life since I was 5..". Izuku looked at the sky wondering what his Mom was doing. 

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