chapter 6: training and a pretty dark green haired girl.

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" blah blah " = normal human speaking


" sup bish"= pokespeech which only izuku understands or when izuku speaks through mind.



3RD person pov.

Izuku and gang went into the forest upon torchic's request to become stronger. they have walked for 30 minutes into the forest and momo checked her phone to see that is 4:00PM at the moment . izuku then stopped and turned around and said " let me bring out the car so you can relax for a while and i will be training torchic nearby. the girls nodded and ash placed a huge P.D circle on the ground and out came his car. he unlocked it with the keys and the girls went inside .

After the girls went inside , he turned on the engine and made dragonite stand guard at the car .Izuku and torchic went a few meters away from the car and have started training in torchic's agility and elemental power for 5 hours. Izuku and torchic came back to the car and torchic was fully exhausted while izuku was only mildly tired.

 dragonite smirked looking at torchic remembering when it was a dratini and it was also trained for a long period of time but never complained. ash got into the car and was met by questions from momo, jirou and ria while gardi already knew what happened.

Izuku took out take away food which he kept in the P.D but ria asked" wont the food be cold since its been a few hours". izuku explained that time stops in his P.D so they can get it back at the same state it was put in. everyone ate their dinner and izuku , ria , momo and jirou slept in the car while gardi went back to her pokeball. 



1st day : torchic was able to power up its moves and increase its agility.

2nd day: learned fire spin.

3rd day: evolved to combusken and learned flamethrower and high jump kick.

4th day: increase in elemental power as well as agility.

5th day: learned sky uppercut and blaze kick.

6th day : increased agility.


TIME :7:00AM.

3rd person pov.

izuku just woke up after completing combusken's 1 week training . izuku got out of the car and did some light stretches and woke up the girls who reluctantly woke up. the gang woke up and had breakfast and have started to walk towards saffron city .After a few minutes they encountered a wild pikachu and ria seems to like it since she is staring at it . izuku took out a  pokeball and said " combusken come on out.". out came a combusken ready to fight.

The wild pikachu immediately started charging thunder. izuku hurridely commanded" combusken use flame charge .". flames surrounded combusken whose speed increased and was able to dodge the thunder and hit the wild pikachu . it was a direct attack but the pikachu didnt give and ruched towards combusken with a iron tail. izuku said " combusken dodge and use sky uppercut.". since combusken ws faster , he was able to dodge the iron tail and upper cutted the pikachu who went crashing towards a tree and lay unconsious. izuku turned to ria and said " catch it , you seem interested in it.". ria was shocked and said " are you sure ?, i mean you defeated it ..". 

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