Chapter 19 : Top 8.

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" blah blah " = normal human speaking


" sup bish"= pokespeech which only izuku understands or when izuku speaks through mind.


3rd person POV.

It was 5 PM and the final top 16 matches just finished as the announcer called rest of the participants down to the field.

The 8 remaining trainers including Izuku and Ritchie arrived at the field as Mr. Goodshow arrived on stage and said " You all are the top 8 trainers of the 256 that entered. From here on , the matches will be full on 6 vs 6. I wish good luck too of you 8 trainers. Now lets look at the match-ups.". The 8 names shuffled and 4 pairs were shown. 

Izuku looked to see that his match is the 2nd and is against Richie. Izuku hmmed as he thought ( Interesting , so I am battling Ash's smarter version.). Meanwhile the Richie looked as pale as a ghost , Richie let out anime tears as he thought ( WHYYY MEE ARCEUS WHY MEEE). The surrounding players pitied Richie as they let out a cheer in their mind.

Izuku turned towards where Richie was and gave a smile as he said " Lets do our best.", Richie gave a robotic nod as Izuku turned around and left the arena. Ash chuckled seeing the look on Richie's face as his Mom who is beside him asked " Ash , that must be your big brother right? Izuku if I remember the name."

Ash nodded as he said " Yes mom , That is Izuku ,he is a really cool trainer, I admire him the most.". Delia sweat dropped as her husband's place in Ash's top trainers to be admired list has been taken.


Red who was drinking some juice suddenly got a dark look on his face scaring lance as Red broke the glass and said " I suddenly feel the urge to strangle that Izuku kid.". Lance sweat dropped as he said " If you can even lay a finger on him, good luck with that.". Red also sweat dropped as he thought ( I know I am in Aura knight league , surely I will be able to land a hit on someone at Aura master's level right?....... Nah too troublesome).  

Back with Ash.

Ash said goodbye to his Mom who just left to go home along with prof. Oak and went to look for Richie. Ash looked around and saw Richie talking to his 6 pokemon. Richie who just took out all his pokemon said " Ok guys , tomorrow we are up against most probably the toughest trainer in the league , we just perform our best tomorrow , let's review his previous match.".

The pokemon looked worried as Ash came up from behind Richie and asked " Hey Richie, what are you doing?". Richie looked at Ash and said " I looking up Mr. Izuku's previous match so i can have a rough idea of his battle style.". Ash sweat dropped and asked " Wouldn't it be better if you come up with a battle plan first?". Richie can see sense in what Ash has said and sighed as he said " You are right Ash , come-on guys lets think over a plan.". His pokemon agreed as Ash left them .

Ash met up with Misty and Brock as they asked " So Ash , are you staying or are you gonna go home. " , Ash thought for a bit and said " Big bro always came to my matches , Its only fair I stay till big brother Izuku's matches are over.". The group agreed as they saw Izuku walking about in the area. 

Deciding to greet him , the group ran over as Ash yelled " HEY! BIG BRO!". Izuku hearing Ash's voice looked and saw Ash's gang coming to him as he said " Hey Ash what's up?". Ash just said " Well bro I was just talking to Richie and saw your walking about , so I came here.". Izuku remembered about Ash's Charizard as he said " Hey Ash let me battle your Charizard.". 

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