chapter 4 : cerulean gym and the 3 sisters.

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" blah blah " = normal human speaking


" sup bish"= pokespeech which only izuku understands or when izuku speaks through mind.



i woke up at 6:00AM again to get training in. i slowly got out og the bed without disturbing the girls and got out of my pajamas into my training gear. i then went to the training field and called out my pokemon. i am sparring in a aura battle with lucario , flareon is teaching torchic some moves, dragonite i training with its dragon rush against gardevoir who is to teleport to avoid the attack and atlast milotic is learning water pulse. 

After training till 8 AM, izuku made his way to the kitchen after yet another agruement to provide breakfast for nurse joy, izuku frenchtoast with bacon and kept it on 5 plates and put them in front of momo , kuoka , gardi , joy who just arrived. we said our prayers and dug into the breakfast. 

After 15 minutes we finished our breakfast . and were planning . i said " hmm shall we go to the gym first or shall we stock up some food ingrediants?". kyoka said " i say we go gym first or there might be a crowd in the afternoon."and momo said " i agree and when will you take us on a date mister?" with a pouting face and i chucled and replied " soon my darling~, just wait for a week and a half by the time i am done with the gyms and we can spend time to train and go on dates.". momo gave a smile and nodded. gardi asked" who will you be using ?".

 i began thinking since i already used milotic , i have to choose from lucario,dragonite,flareon and gardevoir. i then said " i will be using you so i will have to return you to your pokeball before we enter the gym."gardevoir replied" its okay izu , i know i cant bee seen transforming unless you trust them"with a smile . i then pulled her into a passionate kiss with my hands around her waist for 40 seconds and said " return gardevoir " . with her pokeball in my hand and she went in . i then turned to the girls who were pouting and momo asked " what about our kiss izu~". i chuckled and pulled kyoka first into the kiss for a minute and we seperated with a blush on kyoka's face who said " wow that felt good . you are making me want more~". 

i then decided to anger momo and said " come on , lets go to the gym " and was walking away slowly and turned back to see a angry and jealous momo, she said" oh okay , yeah just forget me i dont care" . and turned  her head away. i thn reached for her waist and pulled her for a kiss . she yelped in surprise and i used the chance to force my tongue in and explore her mouth dominating for . this went on for a minute and we seperated with a thin line of saliva which i licked and said "  as sweet as you momo~".

  she turned beet red and stuttered" a-a-a f-fre-n-nch k-k-k-kis-ss". and smoke started coming out of her ears . i felt a tugg on my shirt and turned to see kyoka pouting . the sight of her pouting made me think( SHE IS ILLEGALLY CUTE AHHHHHHHHHHH). she said " when will i get a french kisss izu~" , i chuckled and replied " soon my love , soon.".

 i saw momo calm down and said " that felt more amazing thann a normal kiss , i think i will prefer that everytime we kiss , it will be a french " with a seductive smile . i said " only when we are with eachother without any strangers .if there are people around ,then i will only give a peck on the lips " pointing to my lips with a wink and i saw my both girls with steam coming out of their ears and both said " soo hot~~". i smiled and said " lets go get me second gym badge.". i then saw momo with a face that screamed that she has a question .

 i sighed and asked " do you have a question for me momo?". she nodded and said " can we release our pokemon to travel beside us .". i said " yes " . she gleamed and released her eevee who jumped on her shoulder and nuzzled their cheeks together , i turned to see kyoka and vulpix doing the same , i smiled warmly at the sight in front of me and thought( i will protect them even if i need to sacrifice my body).

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