Chapter Seveteen: Astrid-London

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I was getting ready to pack my things and go home after that tiring day. The practice with One Direction had gone well and I was really optimistic about the result. While I was switching off the stereo I noticed that harry hovered at the room. At the practice he looked like he thinking of something and wasn’t concentrating enough to pay attention to the moves I was showing him. I wondered what was on his mind and I hope that whatever it was would not keep him busy tomorrow because the tomorrow’s practice wasn’t as easy as today’s one. I assumed he was waiting for the other members of One Direction but I was pretty sure that they left.

“Can I help you with something?” I asked. Maybe he had a question about the dance moves. “Yes, actually. I believe you can?” he said. I switched of the microphone and went to take a sip from my water. God! I was so thirsty! “I want to know if there is a chance I could actually get you to sleep with me. As in friends with benefits? You know.” He said as calmly as heaven. I almost choked. At first I thought he was kidding but in fact he wasn’t. His look on me was deadly serious. “No, I don’t know because there is no way I could actually be like that with you since we are working together and since I don’t even know you. And the most important I don’t see you that way. No offence. Your cute face and your curly hair might work on your fans but I’m not like that. I’m your choreographer.” I said trying to make him think this logically because there is no way I could actually sleep with him. No. how could he possibly think that? Because we kissed? I told him before that it didn’t mean anything and we agreed to stay friends. I should never act without thinking first. Never again.

The weirdest thing was that he didn’t even flinch when I rejected him, like he was expecting it. I was like ‘what the…?’ especially after he asked his next question. “It’s okay. I was just kidding anyway. Never mind. I want to ask you something serious now: So, can you tutor me?” he asked expectantly. I looked at him thinking that he was joking when in fact he wasn’t but I laughed anyway. Because it was funny! What was that? Some mischievous plan to sleep with me in the end? “Why?”I asked. “Because I can’t dance.” He explained to me like this was something obvious. I could see that he could actually dance if he really concentrated enough. “You don’t know that. You’ve only dance for three hours.” I disagreed with him. “Yes, I do know that. I don’t understand the moves really well.” He said. Of course he didn’t understand. How could he? When all he did while we were practicing was thinking how to get me to sleep with him. “No. you don’t. You just have to concentrate more and try harder you don’t need tutoring.” I said insisting to my previous answer.

“Maybe but I still want to learn how to dance.” He explained. What was wrong with him? Why was he persistent? Couldn’t he just accept my refusal wished me goodnight and leave? Because I was really tired and the whole conversation had no point at all. “And what makes you think that I could actually help learn how to dance, Harry?” I looked at him wearingly. Where was he going with that? “I don’t know because you are responsible for routine and you have to help learn how to dance maybe?” he suggested.”I don’t have to do anything besides creating routines and teach them to you. If you really what to learn how to dance then I suggest you find a professional dancer to teach you.” I said. I felt like I was talking to a wall. “But I want you to teach me, to show me how to move and dance like you do.” He insisted. See what I mean? I was really talking to a very persistent wall. “But I’m only a student. I can’t do that.” I said. That last phrase brought me back to weeks ago when Simon came into the hall with Mrs. Jones asking me to work with the routines for One Direction’s tour. I felt that I was living the thing all over again. Why can’t everyone understand? I’m just a student here. Is it written in forehead ‘she is a professional dancer? Don’t believe her when she says she is a student.’? “Come on, Astrid. I’ll pay you.” He suggested. That took me over the edge. “I don’t want your money. God, Harry. How could you even believe that I was saying no because I won’t get paid? I’m telling you that I can’t do that. I’m just a student.” I almost shouted. I was really insulted. How could he even think that? He just turned at me. I had my thing packed into my bag and now I was staring at him right in the eyes. He looked pretty desperate. I bit my lower lip. Maybe he was really wanted to learn how to dance and I had misunderstood him. I couldn’t really read people and I couldn’t trust my gut with gut Harry. It was always pushing me toward him. Closer to him. Like that night at the club. We danced so well together. Until he started kissing me and… I really didn’t want to remember that right now. While I was saying no to him. To his ‘puppy’ emerald eyes. “Please, Astrid. Please. I’ll do anything. Just say yes. You are amazing dancer and I want you to help me learn. Please I really want to know how dance and not only at night club but all those weird dance styles that you all learn here. Please. I want to learn to dance with like you and John do. Please, I’ll do anything.” He did sounded pretty desperate and honestly I actually believed him because for one moment I saw myself in him. The need to dance to express what I felt deep inside my heart and my soul. To dance till earth stood still. That was the look in his face that made me really think about this proposal. I didn’t answer right away and I could swear that he was ready to fall to his knees and start begging me. I was in desperate need to prevent that scene from happening. “Look. I’m not a professional dancer. I don’t even have a license to teach. And the most important I haven’t done this before. Like ever. So I’m not sure how we could actually work this out.” I replied to him. His eyes lit up. “We’ll figure it out together. Just say yes. That’s all I need.” He said flashing me a glorious smile. My heart skipped a lot of beats. He had a gorgeous smile. I smiled back at him and bit my tongue not to say yes to him right away.

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