Chapter Sixteen:Harry-London

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  • Dedicated to Elvis Presley

I was thinking that I was going to die out of nervousness as I stepped out of my car in front of R.A.D. Mostly because I couldn’t remember what happened between Astrid and me last Saturday night. All I could remember was that we danced and then waking up with a terrible hangover.

Our live performance at Madison Square Garden was the best performance of our lives and we couldn’t wait to start our new tour next year and speaking of the tour today was the first day of our dance lessons with Astrid and her crew.

That’s why I was nervous. I was going to see her. Saturday night was unforgettable well most of it because there is a part that I can’t remember at all. Seeing how Astrid danced that night made her the only thing that I could think in my days in America. And the worst part is that I can’t remember what happened between us and neither of the boys knew because while we danced they couldn’t see us until Astrid was dragging me back to where they sat begging Liam to take me home.

That night Astrid had invited Liam to watch how Astrid and john were creating choreography. She told that they had an assignment on Elvis and they had to create a routine using one of his songs. They had scheduled a three-hour-practice to create choreography. It would be a good opportunity to see how the routines were created.

But Liam insisted me going to watch that practice in order to find Astrid and ask her what happened on Saturday and discuss that kiss at the hotel. We had eventually to address the huge elephant in the room. But I still wasn’t sure how I felt about Astrid and what that kiss meant to me.

I asked at the reception where the observation room was (as Liam had said) once I got into the academy and the lady there gave me directions where to go. I found the room pretty quickly. It was a small room filled with chairs that were placed facing a glass wall. The glass was transparent so that you could easily see a massive dance hall with mirror walls. I wonder if someone from the other room could see me as easily as I could see him. “No one can see. The glass is made that way so that on its other side would have a mirror. Think of it like a car with black windows. You can see what’s going outside of the car but the people outside can’t see you.” A voice explained. I turned to see it was Mrs. Jones. We greeted each other. “So you came to see Astrid practicing?” she asked as she was standing at the door. “Yes, I really want to see how she creates the routines.” I explained. “Well, you won’t understand much. Even the professors don’t sometimes.” She said. “Why?” I couldn’t help but asking. “You’ll see.” She replied. She glanced at her watch. “I got to go. Good luck at your first practice today. You’ll need it.” She said and left. I decided to take a sit close to glass wall. After a while Astrid and John entered the dance hall. She wore a pair of black tights and short above and pink leotard was covering her upper body with its sleeves reaching her elbows. I could see a huge pattern covering the back of her leotard but I couldn’t see what it was. He was wearing a black pair of pants suitable for sports and a sleeveless shirt. They did some stretching exercises to warm their bodies as they chatted vigorously about something that I could hear.

Five or six people came in the room where I was and sat at the chairs beside me, I thought they should be professors but they suddenly started to open the notebooks they were caring and looked like they were ready to make notes. Maybe they were students. I stopped paying attention at them and focused on Astrid and John who were trying to decide something over the huge stereo system filled the room. Finally Astrid connected on iPod to the speakers and Elvis filled the room. For an hour or so they danced by themselves not paying any attention the other. I was completely focused on Astrid as she tried to get used to the sound of Elvis. She did some dance moves by herself and looked like that she was dancing on pattern that wasn’t actually compatible with the music. She looked so good like that. With her eyes closed and her body dancing in a rhythm that only she could understand. As she did a few twists and some pirouettes she fell to the ground and closed her eyes. At first I thought she had fell by accident and I thought that she was hurting that’s why she wasn’t standing up again. I wanted to rise to my feet and go close to her to see what was going on.

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