Chapter 5 full moon weekend

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——Isaac POV——

I felt bad for just leaving Megan like that but something felt off. I had to go and investigate. It was for her safety. I still don't know what I'm going to do about Scott. Should I do as he asked. I mean he's my alpha but it feels wrong. I hate this plane.

I walked into the woods and sniffed the air. There were to many smells though and  it made me sneeze a few times. I changed to my yellow wolf eyes so I could see better. I walked for a while before deciding to head back.

——Megan POV——

"I'm going to go look for him. He's been gone for to long" I told Rachel worriedly

She looked at me with the same face and nodded

I walked to the woods where Isaac had disappeared into. I walked for a little bit.

I heard a crunch of leaves somewhere in the distance.

"Isaac" I yelled quietly

I kept walking and started to get scared

"MEGAN!" screamed Isaac coming out from behind a tree and jumped back. I swear his eyes were yellow for a split second but it was probably just me.

"Isaac! Dear god don't scare me like that" I bent down and put my hand on my chest to calm myself.

"Sorry, but you scared me first" he said leaning up against a tree and taking deep breath's.

"You scream like a girl" I said with a little laugh

"Yeah, yeah" he said laughing too

"Come on, we should get back to the others"  I said

He nodded and walked next to me

As we were about to walk out of the woods he stopped and grabbed my arm. I looked at him. He looked like he had heard something.

"What's wrong?" I asked

He didn't answer me. I started to get scared again. I think he could tell I was scared because he gave me a side glance that almost seemed like he was scared to.

He started looking around. I grabbed his arm and pulled myself close to him. He looked down at me but I didn't care if he didn't like it. I was freaking out because he was freaking out.

"Scott" he said and turned around

How did he know it was Scott?

"Isaac" Scott said back and nodded his head as a greeting

They stared at each other for at lease a solid minute before a freshman walked up and stood next to Scott.  

"OK, what is going on. Why do I feel like this is a life or death situation all of a sudden?" I said about to walk forward but Isaac pulled me back again.

"It feels that way because it kinda is" said the freshman

Umm ok this is definitely not helping. Should I just run or something.

"Isaac your not thinking about changing your mind now are you?" Scott asked taking a step closer

Isaac dug his foot into the ground like he was ready for a fight or something. Maybe I should run, get help maybe!

Scott got closer to Isaac. They were almost face to face. They both had there first closed tightly.

This is going to end bad!

——Isaac POV——

"I don't want to fight you" Scott said quietly so Megan couldn't hear

"And I'm not going to let you kidnap her because you think she's a werewolf. If she was one Don't you think she would have done something by now" I quietly argued  back.

I took a side glance at Liam. He was watching Megan closely. I shined my eyes at Scott and showed my teeth. I know it would be a risk but I know that Megan isn't a werewolf. I don't know why Scott can't see that.

Out of no where but kinda expected Scott punched me in the face. I feel to the side but caught myself with my hands and tackled him to the ground. We rolled over each other trying to throw a punch or two.

Out of the corner of my eye I seen Megan running towards the party. Liam soon running after her. I got Scott off me and grabbed Liam's waist and dragged him down to the ground. Scott grabbed my jacket and pulled me back and threw me into a tree. I let out a loud growl shifted. Scott shifted too and ran at me.

——Rachel POV——

It had been a while since Megan disappeared to go look for Isaac. Should I go after her? No I'm sure she's fine.

"O.M.G!! What is taking her so long?" Chloe started to complain

"I don't know" i said shrugging

I turned and looked at the woods. I really hope I'm over reacting.

"Do you think she got-" Hanna started but was interrupted with a loud scream from the woods.

It sounded like Megan. A lot of people looked where the scream came from. I ran straight for the woods. People don't scream like that unless they are really scared.

——Megan POV ——

I ran as fast as I could. I needed to get help, but before I could someone grabbed me and started to drag me back. I screamed as loud as I could. He covered my mouth with his hand. I kicked at him and hit something really hared. He quickly released me and dropped to the ground. It was that freshman that was with Scott. He had partly taken me down with him when he feel. I got back up and tried to run away again. I guess I didn't hurt him enough before he grabbed me again and BLANK!

——Liam POV——

She put up a pretty good fight that's for sure. I knocked her out which made it easier. But I still had one problem. I could hear people running this way.

You idiot!! Why didn't you cover her mouth first before grabbing her. Stupid! STUPID!!!

I picked her up and brought her to Scott. When I got there Isaac was sitting up against a tree holding his leg. His hands were covered in blood. He had some blood dripping from his head, down his face. His shirt was torn too.

I looked at Scott for instructions.

"Bring her to the lake cabin and tie her up. Be careful when she wakes up I don't think she will be the best person to be around." He said through panting breath's.

He walked up to Isaac and grabbed his jacket and started to drag him off. Isaac didn't even try to fight back. He was just dangling there.

I picked up this Megan girl and put her over my shoulder. I walked to the cabin and put her up against a post in the middle of the room. I tied her up with chains and sat in a dark corner and waited for her to wake up.

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