Chapter 11: strangers

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(Was not a fan I guess with using that point of view but every once in a while I might for some parts. If the POV switching bugs you then please don't read my story, thanks.)

'Here we go'

He walked over to his spot right next to me and sat down. I refused to even look his way, what if he is looking at me?

"Hey M..." the bell rang cutting Isaac's voice off.

Thank god.

"Alright class before we get started I am supposed to tell you all that there is a very special lacrosse game tonight, and the school would like you all to be there. We will be going to Devenford Prep." He really did not seem very... excited.. I guess. But then again it was Mr. Harris.

OH and I forgot to mention Mr. Harris is are sub. teacher for math since Ms. Fleming is sick or something.

I just wanted the day to be over but I know lunch was going to be the worst period of them all.

At lunch I sat down with the other girls, talking and laughing about random things.

"So like, Megan. Where did you disappear to last night? Like I get you went out in the woods and all but how did you get back?" Chloe asked out if the blue

"Umm, I ran into someone. Literally." I respond

"Oh who? Boy or girl?" She asked nosy

"Boy, why?" I asked

"Oh, as he cute?" She asked another annoying question

"Well if you consider random 30 something year old guys cute then sure." I responded sarcastically

"Well, maybe. I guess in that case I should have asked if he was hot." She laughed

The rest of the table rolled there eyes.

"Is he the reason you got back home safely?" Rachel asked

"Yeah, if it wasn't for me running into him I would probably still be out there though." I joked

Rachel and few other girls laughed.

"But to be honest I don't really want to talk about it." I said and everyone nodded

So lunch really wasn't that bad other then Chloe annoying everyone like usual.

The rest of my classes when by quick. Had some homework hear and there but whatever.

I was walking back home alone since Rachel left early for a doctors appointment.

I was walking minding my own business when

"Hey" came from behind me. I jumped and spun around.

It was just Isaac.

"What was his name?" He asked

"What?" U asked confused

"The guy you ran into last night." I clarified

"I don't remember, after everything that happened you expect me to remember some strangers name!?" I yelled at him

"Yeah, considering you just lied to me." I snapped back

"Oh my god, fine! His name was Peter that's all I know." I snapped back

"You need to stay away from him, he's dangerous."
He said

"Then what does that make you and you little group of friends." I asked

He had nothing to say.

"Honestly I think I would feel safer with the strange guy I ran into at the middle of night then you guys." I snapped again and turned around walking away.

(She's a little snappy today lol. Sorry for not updating in a while, but here's another chapter. And a cute picture of Dylan up top for some reason ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2021 ⏰

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