Chapter 7 What's your name?

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(Hope you are enjoying the story so far.)

I woke up with pain. Like some one just crack me across the back of my head. I went to put my hand on the spot it hurt but I couldn't move my hands.

My eyes shot open and I started to remember what happened. My heart rate went sky high. My hands were chains behind me and around a post.

I looked around frantically. I was in a cabin. How did I get here?

"Looks like someone is finally awake." Said someone from a dark corner of the cabin.

I looked at him in horror. I just got kidnapped! Now I can't move and I'm freaking out!

"Ok, well let's just make this easy ok. Tell me what you are and I will consider letting you go." Said the freshman finally revealing himself.

"What are you talking about? I'm a human like you." I said I'm responsible

I was looking for a way to escape this horrible place.

"Well, I guess we will see and find out." He said

His phone started to ring. He looked at me and walked out side and answered the phone.

Then I thought of something. I managed to rub off a bobby-pin on the post. It feel close to my hand. I stretched my fingers out and pulled it close to me. I started to play with it and the cuffs. I managed to actually got one. I quickly unlocked the other one and ran to a different door then the one the freshman went out.

I ran like hell for the woods.

I actually think I did it. I escaped all by myself.

I looked back to make sure no one was following. I ran right into someone, taking them down to the ground. I quickly got up and took a few steps back.

"Watch where your going" the guy said that I ran into

What if he is with them, should I try running from him too?

"Hello! Earth to whoever you are" he said with a frustrated tone

"I'm so sorry" I said as he got up

I took a few more steps back. He looked at me confused as I stepped away.

"Who are you running from?" He asked taking a step closer

"What makes you think I'm running from someone?" I said through my panting breaths

"A lot make me think that" he said in response

He tilted his head and looked behind me. I turned to see if someone was there. But there was no one. Thanks god.

"Come. Let's get you out of here" he said waving his hand for me to come.

I hesitate at first. It might be a trick.

"Come on, we don't have time for hesitation" he said grabbing my arm and pulling me after him. He sped walked the opposite direction of the cabin, so that's good.

I started to hear the school music playing songs. I saw the school and went to run for it. He quickly grabbed he and put his hand over my mouth. I felt his heart rate increases. He pulled me quietly behind a tree.

I think something is wrong, and I'm pretty sure he might have just saved my life.

"Don't move and don't make a sound" he whispered in my ear

I nodded I'm compliance and he moved his hand away from my mouth.

"What is it?" I whispered

He didn't answer me. He looked around the tree that we were behind.

I heard a car door slammed shut and then this guy finally let me go.

"Why were we hiding?" I asked as I turned to look at him

"Doesn't matter. You should get as far as you can from the woods." He said looking around

He went to walk away

"But what about my friend? He might be hurt" I said before he could go

He let out a heavy sigh and turned back around

"If I see your friend I can tell him your fine" he said looking at me hoping that I would let him leave

"Do you think you could look for him?" I asked hopefully

"We will see" he said and turned to leave again

"What! What's your name?" I asked

He stopped and didn't say anything for a few seconds.

"Peter, my name is Peter" he said and walked off

——Scott POV——

"HOW COULD YOU LOSE HER!" I yelled at Liam

We were standing in the middle of the woods trying to track her down.

"Her scent? It just disappeared." He said trying to justify himself

"Scents don't just disappear. You just can't smell her because someone else is with her that has a stronger sent. It covers her's up." I said frustrated

This is a good training moment.

"I can track her down still throw. With practice and all" I said

Liam nodded

"So who's scent is covering her's?" Liam asked out of curiosity

"Peter, it's Peter for sure" I said looking at him

His eyes got bigger.

"Why would Peter help her?" He asked me

I shrugged

"I don't know, maybe he knows her." I said

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