School Life

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Y/n (POV)

I sighed as I walk out the house. I don't often leave the house unless I need to. But today I need to. I have paper work to turn in today at the school. It was for my advanced robotics engineering degree. I was good with machinery ever since I was young. I smiled as I walk down the street. I don't often smiled so it felt nice. Was always I walk though the park near my house at get to the school grounds faster. I'm didn't take long to get there. It's only a 10 minute walk with my short cut thought the park.

I signed as I entered the building. I could see my highschool bully taking with a few of the other girls. As most people say bully's end in highschool right? That couldn't be even more wrong.  Tara my bully was going to make sure my life suck even in college. I signed as I walk by her to get to my robotics class. Mr. Chases was here today so I can hand this to him. I didn't have a nother class until tomorrow so it didn't bother me to bring in work early as possible.

Mr. Chases smiled as he seen me and welcomed me with a great big smile. "We good morning Ms. L/n. And what can I help you with? You know you don't have to be here until tomorrow morning? So why are you here?" I checked. Mr. Chases would always forget that I would always finish my work early and come in to turn in in when I was done with it. " Well Mr. Chases I had finished my report on the Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria Family diner and how there animatronics function. So I decided to come in and turn in my credit and packet early."

He smiled as he takes the packet and sets in down on his table. " Thank you Ms. L/n for bringing it in to me. I seen you did a lot I've work as always. Anyways Ms. L/n. Why don't you do a search up on the family set on the restaurants. If you need there names they are the"-" Afton's and the Emily's If I am correct sir."-" yes you are correct. But please let me finish next time Ms. L/n." Mr. Chases said after I interrupted him halfway through his sentence. I chuckle softly before nodding my head yes sir.

I smiled as I go to walk out the room. Mr. Chases stopped me before I could go through. " Ms. L/n don't go digging to deep into the Afton's. Especially the sun Michael I don't want to see his name in your report." Mr. Chases said as he pined me to the classroom door. My eyes opened wide. Mr. Chases was a bit of a pervert. But the school knew he was too good at his job to fire him. He smiled as he leaned over and tried to kiss me by removing my mask. I quickly pushed him away though. This isn't the first time he had try to kiss me. He snapped out if it before continuing with his talk. " Tomorrows class with have a special guest so that's why I think it would be good for you to check up on those family Ms. L/n anyways have a good day Ms and I'll see you tomorrow morning in class."

He finished off with a smile. I quickly left the school grounds avoid Tara as I walk home. As I reach my front door I can hear people talking about a YouTuber channel. I know this channel. Ever sense I started my research on the Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria family entertainment. As looked it up I found a channel called "Afton's Live After Death". It was a every interesting channel. One non of the Afton's looked happy wall doing it. And secondly this took away from there life and what had happened to them a secret. I signed as I walked inside my house. I quickly though my jacket off of me and to the rack by the door. I walked over to the window dropping my bag on the way. I looked up at the empty Hill through my window.

I remember when I was younger I used to look through this window and looked up at the hill all the time. Our time I was swear there was a house. But I just thought it was my imagination getting the best of me. I sighed about to look away from a window when I seen the House appear again. There's the house again exactly how I remember it from when younger. It was a big house when I can tell it probably had about five to seven bedrooms. The house was an old musty blue color as for the rooftop with bricks. The house look to be at least 30 years old but maybe even older.

As I look up at the house is slowly fades away again. I don't know if this is just me imagining things but I swear it was just there a second ago. I sighed as I look way and walked over to my leaving room couch and take a seat. I smiled as I called out. " LuLu can you please bring out my research station living room." I smiled as the TV turned on. My living room table flipped over to have a laptop and load of research documents as well as notebooks followed by a bunch of pencils laying up on it. I smiled as to the left of me some water appeared and sat it self down on the table. "Would that be all you require ma'am."

I smiled as the robotic like Siri voice went off. " Yes that will be all LuLu" I said as I looked up the Afton and Emily name on my laptop.  I made LuLu when I was only 8. Well I made her hard drive. I made her a body and house system two years later. I sighed. This was going to take all night long. Luck me I'm my own boss and I can take the time off. All I needed to do was replay to emails later today. I smiled as I found a old like video on YouTube. It said "The bite Of 83 is real!!" My eyes opened wide. What was the. Bite of 83. And why is there one called the bite of 87. Looks like I have a long night ahead of me.

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