Tell Death Do Us Part

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I smiled as I opened my eye today is my birthday. I'm finally 22 years old. I smiled as I looked over at my desk to see a note. "- come down stairs and look around no need to get dressed for a pj party is all we need to have a great day.-" I chuckled as I got up and walked down the stairs. My hair was a mess but that was fine. I smiled as I get down the stairs to see everyone in PJs and smiling. Everyone but Michael and Ennard. My smile drops when I didn't see them. Ms Afton notice and walked over to me. " Hey don't wory Michael and Ennard had to go to the store real quick to go get something. So don't worry they will be back soon." I smiled as Ms Afton fished speeking.

I quickly ran to the leaving room and grab a wii controller." So how's up for a game of just dance?" I said with a smile. Chris Tarrants and Elizabeth quickly joins me as Charlotte sat down be hind Elizabeth. I can smell a ship. I smiled as we played for the nexted hour.  When we finished Michael and Ennard walked in both blushing madly. I giggled as I run over to them. " Good morning you two. Now go get PJs on!" I said with a laugh. The two smiled before walking up to me and wipping in my ear. " Hey Y/n can you meet us at the park in about two hours?" I smiled and noded. This ment I did have to change.

Everyone else was smiling and laughing. What's so funny I thought. I smiled as I walked over to the kitchen. I quickly pulled out some cookies mix. Ms Afton is a great cook and all. But she didn't make cookies. I smiled as I made cookies. Chris quickly ran over when I opened up the stove. I smiled as I noticed they were all dressed up now. I giggled before going upstairs to get dressed myself. Once I got out of the bathroom I noticed a rose on my bed. I blush before picking it up. There was a note attached to it. "- see you at the park Y/n-" it read. I smiled as I looked at the hand writing. It was a mix of Michael's and Ennards. So I'm guessing Ennard and Michael made it together.

I blushed as I quickly got dressed and ran down the stairs. Henry smiled. He was the only one here. Chris had taken all the cookies and dashed to the door when I went upstairs. I giggled was I walked over to Henry." I'm guessing your not gone because your my ride to the park?" I said with a smile. Henry nodes as we walk out to the car. We quickly got in a drove off to the park. I smiled as I try to look ahead. Henry notice and points to a blind fold. " No peeking out it on" he said as he keeps driving. I smiled and giggle as I put it on. The rest of the drive I was some what scared. I don't like not seeing were I am.

Soon the car stops. I can hear Henry get out and open my door. I quickly go look for a hand not being able to see. Henry helped me out and walked me in. As we got there I could hear giggling. It sounds like Chris and Elizabeth. Charlotte is shhing them. I giggled not knowing what to expect. Soon Henry removed the blind fold to review Michael and Ennard infront of me on there knees. I froze. Was this a proposal. I blush as I looked at them both.

"Y/n M/n L/n will you make us the happyest men around and marry us." They both spoke out. I soon started to cry as I shoke my head yes.  Michael and Ennard quickly got up putting the ring on my finger. I chuckle as we pulled away. Soon I was being kisses non stopped. When we pulled away I could help but smile. Ennard then grabed my wast and pulled me closer. Michael walked behind me and suggled into my neck. I smiled. This was what I needed. If only my friends were still alive to see it. They would be so proud of me. I soon started to cry. " You guy are asses you know.... I love you two so much." I said with a smile. Michael chuckled and so did Ennard.

Then then both kisses my check. As they pull away to do it again I move my head to the side so the two of them kiss. I chuckle and they both blushed. I was about to say something when a gun shot gose off. I froze when I felt blood run down my face.  Ennard soon started to scream as well as Michael.  What happened why? Why am I bleeding? Everything feels so dark. Before I past out I can hear a voice. " You know Michael just because you keep her with you doesn't mean I can't get what I want in the end." Then in fades to jet black.


I smiled as they suggled. I soon froze when a gun shot gose off right in Y/n head. Michael and Ennard soon stats to scream. I quickly turn around to be meet with one of Michael's old friends. I think his name was Anissa.. ya Anissa Chases. What was he doing here. Wait he shot Y/n. Why would he do that? He then quickly speeks up. " You know Michael just because you keep her with you doesn't mean I can't get what I want in the end." Michael quickly looks up and attacks him.

I quickly pull out my phone and call up a ambulance. Michael soon started to beat the living shit out of him. Ennard got up and joined him until he stopped moving.  When he stopped they Ran back To Y/n and held her in there arms.

A Helping Hand ( Michael Afton X Ennard X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now