The Afton House

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Michael (POV)

She's so shoken up. Hes so lucky. Dad soon walks in a few ment later and so does Anissa. He sit at his desk not looking up. I hope he got what he deserves. I look back down at the girl who is now past out. "Michael were leaving now. If you want she can come with." My Dad said. I quickly pick her up and walk over to Ennard who's eyeing Anissa realy badly. " En can you carry her for me. I need to get her bag." I say out. He smiled before taking her from my arms and holding her brittle style. I quickly go to get her bag and stuff to see one of the questions for Ennard. "What is it like being a animatronic?" It read off. My eyes open wide

How much did she know about my family. I quickly pack her things. " Michael what are you doing. Ennard put her down right now. We don't have time for this all." Are manager James spoke out. I didn't care a pickup all of their things and put them in her bag. I think walked over to Ennard who still is holding the girl. I didn't care what the manger said. She was in pain and in need of a hand to hold." Ok Dad were ready to go home." I said as I walk over to my dad. Ennard followed. The James still pist off followed behind us. I know when We lay her down I'm going get it. But right know that doesn't matter.

That asshole try to harm her. And I wanna know why. In no time we get to the car. I hope in the back with Ennard and the girl. My father sits next to me making sure there's no room to the manager to sit in that row. He puffs angerly as he sits in front of us. I quickly pull out the girls notices and show them to my dad. His eyes open wide. Just like mine did when I seen them. Her name is Y/n M//n L/n. And by the looks of things she was very smart. Not only smart but it looks as if she could guess what are live are like. As the drive went on I looked through her bag to find out what I could about her. As I looked through I found research papers on us. It looks like she wanted to know as much as she could.

There was things here that no one even knew about me. As I looked through it I find a video link along with a side note. "Video was deleted shortly after it was posted. The time it was posted at is 4:30 Am. I still don't know why it was posted it deleted. But it seam to show Michael and his friends before and after the prank. Anissa is a ass for rapping Michael." My eyes open wide reading that last part. She knows. I need to talk talk to her when she walks up. I quickly put the stuff back as I unzipped the front pocket. In side as a spare Mask like the one she's wearing. Needle and thread. I'm guessing she's like to be pared. As well as pills. They seem to be pregnancy pills. The kind to help stop it..

Birth control? That's what it's called. Does things that like happen often to her. I look over at her in Ennard arms. Even wall she sleeps she seam to be on gard. Shit. Her home life must suck if shes like this. It also looks like she haven't slept in weeks. I sighed as I go back to the backpack. In the small patch there is what seem to be disinfected spray. She must be ever accident prone it was also Band-Aids up in here and gauze. As I go through the backpack I can see one last thing. It's her phone. Wow she can hind this thing. I go to open to see that her phone is littered with notifications.

She didn't seem to be this popper at school. So why his her phone litter littered with notifications. Hum. This one seam to look like a YouTuber channel notification. Is she secretly famous or something. I sighed. Her phone is locked so I can't look through it all. I put it back as we park up to the house. As we get out of the car Elizabeth runs out of the house to me. " Michael Charlotte is trying to kiss me!" She said. My eyes opened wide. I was about to run in but stopped myself. " Hey Elizabeth I'll help you out later. But can you do be a big favor?"

I asked her. She looked at me and smiles. " Depends what the favor?" She said looking up at me. I smiled before pointing  at the sleeping girl in Ennard arms." Do you think you could find her something comfortable to wear once you do come back to me and get Mom as well?" Her eyes open wide before she ran inside. Well that was quick. I smiled as I tell Ennard to take her to my room. James was still pist off. But right now I had more important things to do. One I need to give Lizzy her clothes size and I also need talk to the hole household to see if she can stay the night.

I quickly walk inside and see Chris who is trying his best not to look my away. I checked before I walked upstairs to my room. Ennard had layd her down. I quickly go look for her clothes size not to find anything. All I can find is a tag that said " Made By Sun". How did she get Sun. The famous voice actor, singer, dancer, artest, and not to mention she has a million dollars company in Japan to make clothes for her. This must be sized to her exactly for there not to be a tag with a clothing size. I quickly look away and want to get Elizabeth.

I know Lizy has a measuring tape in her closet. I quickly walk over to Lizys room to find her looking though her clothes. " Hey Elizabeth we may need your tape measure. I can't find a clothing size on her clothes." Lizy looked my way before she pulled it out and ran to my room. As I walk back she running back to her room to find her some clothes. I smiled as I called for a family meeting. I needed to ask them.

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