A Ring For Her Finger

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I smiled as I talk with William about new animatronic designs. I have been leaving here with them for about almost two years now. My 22nd birthday is coming up soon. And I can't wait. I smiled as I walk down the stairs. Leaving Mr Afton to build . For everyone's birthday we have a party. It's never to big. But it's always so much fun. My last birthday we had a ball theme party. Mostly because Elizabeth really wanted do though one. I smiled as I entered the room. Michael and Elizabeth and Ennard had party books out. Ms Afton was backing a cake and more with Charlotte. Chris Tarrants and Henry were sitting down talking about presents. I smiled.

I love it when I can sneak a list to what there plaining. I giggled as Ennard yelled " code Yellow!" Dag it. Ennard seen me. I giggled as I walked all the way down. " Ok you got me." I said smiling. Michael quickly walked up to me and draged me upstairs. Ennard followed behind us. I giggy as we got to my room. Michael smiled as he looked at me. " I thought Dad was supposed to keep you build with him?!" Michael said. I giggled as I spoke. "Well maybe if I didn't have the plains for the animatronics already figured out. I probably would have been down there way longer."

Michael eyed me and Ennard Giggled. Ever sense the day Michael and Ennard seen my computer screen we don't really talk much. We say hi to each other but that's around it. Every time Michael or Ennard are around me they go off and hide. It makes me sad at times. But I can't blame them. I look like a complete stoker because of my screen. I smiled as I go and sit on my bed looking down. Ennard quickly ran over and sat on one side of me. Michael sat on the other.  I just want to spend more time with this two idiots ,but they're always too busy to hang out.

Michael works a night shift so he's out at 12 and gets back at 6. Ennard goses with Michael to keep him from doing something stupid. When they get back they go and sleep for about 4 hours. And when they wake up... More like get waken up by Chris. The Afton's have a busy schedule to keep up with. Michael soon realized I wasn't planning any attention to what he and Ennard had been saying. They both stopped and looked at me. I didn't care to look up. My thoughts were running circles inside of my head. Soon a sad though came to mind.

What if they don't want me here anymore. What if they hate me. I mean I could always go back to my house. But. I don't really want to leave. I love it here. But I feel like a bother to call them. My thoughts were soon interrupted when I felt to lips kiss my checks. My eyes open wide as I blush. " What are you two doing?" I said studying over my words. Michael and Ennard smiled as they spoke. " Well you weren't play attention so we had to grab your attention." I blushed as I looked away. Michael and Ennard both soon looked around the room. I spent most of my time here or in the attic.

In the attic I work with Henry and William to make animatronics. And I don't really go down to eat. Tarrants or Chris brings it to me because at the time I'm recording or replaying to emails. And when I do have the time to talk and hangout. Everyone is ether asleep or at work. Michael and Ennard soon meet back with me. Today was my day off from recording as well as my work day off. So I would have today to hangout. But everyone is busy. I could always just go back upstairs and help William with the color picking. But I don't want to bug him.

I so soon dragged out of my thoughts again when I felt two arms around around me. One around my waist from behind. And the other from infront of me and around my neck. I blush when I soon realized I was being dragged down into my bed by Michael and Ennard. I blushed trying to get up when I got pulled back down. " I'm not allowed to move am I?" I ask looking over at Michael then Ennard. They both smiled as we all suggled up in bed. I blushed as I fell asleep. I haven't slept in weeks because of how busy I am.

Michael (POV)

I smiled as I looked down at Y/n sleeping. Me and Ennard had been very busy working the past few months. Me and Ennard had plains to marry soon. Not just us but Y/n as well. We have been think of this for the past year. And we all deside to do it on her birthday. I just never noticed how much busy we are. This is the first time in a good while that we had time with Y/n. And we miss this. I smiled as I looked over at Ennard. " Quick wall she's asleep finger out her ring size!" I said with a smile glued on my faces.

Ennard smiled as well as he found out her ring size. I smiled as I kiss her check. Ennard dose the same to her as well. We wanted to start dating her first but. Work and time had got in the way. From what Mom has told me Y/n has been trying to lower her work hours. And that's a good thing. She gets up every day at four and doses a two hour work out.  At six she's starting recording videos. She stops at ten when dad calls for her help with building. She's up there for around three hours. She then gose back to her room to start replaying to emails. Witch can take up to three hours.

At four  she's gose to upload a video. And she sits and reply to comment for two hours. When six hit she's in a busy call and Chris or Tarrants brings her food to her.  She's in the call for around four hours. By that time I'm getting ready for work and Chris is getting ready for the night. Elizabeth and Mom are gone to get to work early and Henry is asleep. I can't wait for when we do propose to her. Then we can stop the night shift and stay home with her at times.

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