It's New Year's Day

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Why was I friends with so many party people again? I mean, yes a little bit of partying was cool but a house completely packed with teenagers on New Year's Eve? No, thank you.

And still, here I was half an hour until midnight with Brendon blubbering at me about stuff I didn't care about. I would kill Frank later for leaving me alone with him, he knew that I didn't like that kid. This was his house, why couldn't he just jump out and rescue me?

"And then, I told him to do the homework himself, he studied the bloody subject after all!" The boy in front of me complained and took another sip from his beer.

I nodded distractedly while my eyes roamed the room for a certain shy kid. Mikey was honestly the only reason I actually came. We weren't that close, mostly talked at school or when everyone came together, but I still developed a crush on the cute boy with the glasses. I had met him the first time through Frank, my best friend since I could walk. They had some classes where they sat together and Frank being Frank had immediately befriended him.

So of course, Mikey sat with us at lunch after much pestering from my best friend (in the end, he had just dragged him over and pushed him to sit down) and I got to talk to him too. And learned what a great person he was when he was not hiding behind a book. Not that this was a bad thing. I thought it was adorable, and maybe a bit reassuring that there were people that were even shyer than me.

Back to my current situation, I finally found Mikey sitting on the far corner of the couch, holding onto the red beer cup like his life depended on it. The poor kid seemed to be alone because Frank had ran off to God knew where.

Without giving Brendon a heads up, I walked over to Mikey and sat down next to him. He looked up nervously but relaxed slightly as he recognised me. "Hey."

"Hey," his voice was almost too quiet for me to hear him properly. Oh, he must hate this crowded room.

So I shuffled a little closer to him on the sofa and placed my hand on his arm with a small smile. "You wanna go outside already? You look a bit uncomfortable."

No, I was totally not doing this to spend time alone with Mikey. I would never.

"Yes, please."

We walked to the balcony of the house and stared at the night sky. That was another thing I liked about Mikey, we could be quiet without having the need to talk.

"Is this better?" I asked after a while.

Mikey nodded. "Yeah. Too many people kind of scare me."

Was he blushing as he looked at me? Nah, probably not.

"I get that. Please don't take this the wrong way but why did you come when there are so many people?" I wanted to know hesitantly.

"Not that I'm not happy to see you, quite the opposite to be honest," I added quickly as I saw his face falling.

Oh shit, was that too obvious? Now, I was the one blushing and crossed my arms so I couldn't fidget around.

Luckily, Mikey returned to a small smile. "Gerard threatened to carry me if I wouldn't come with him willingly."

Yeah, that was something I could imagine the older and much more extroverted brother doing. I giggled at the mental image. "Did he?"

"Yeah, he actually dragged me out of my room. And then pissed off as soon as we were here, probably looked for Frank," Mikey said, rolling his eyes. He was slowly coming out of his shell and I couldn't help but feel proud at myself for this.

"That would explain why I didn't see Frank since I came," I mumbled and shivered in the cold air.

Mikey noticed this with a concerned expression. "Are you cold?"

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