Touch Me First

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For CapnJackHarkness. Thank you for the request! (Like three months ago but still)


A world where soulmarks were a thing sounded awesome, right? Wrong.

At least if you seemed to be the only person on the fucking planet to not have one. All my friends had one, placement and size varying for everyone. Claire for example had a little dot on her right elbow where Jane had touched her finger to when they had been swimming. Or Alex with this long stripe on his thigh. Turned out that Jack had leaned with his arm on him to use his legs as a pillow. These two had been dancing around each other since day one anyway so it surprised no one.

And me? Not one tiny spot. I would have been happy with anything, even a handprint on my butt or whatever. Just a sign that I wasn't doomed to die alone. Which sounded quite dramatic to be perfectly honest.

It wasn't like this ate away at me at all times. No, I led a happy life and was pretty content on my own. I had had a few relationships in the past and none of them ended because of the soulmark. So you couldn't say that I was in any form really bothered by the whole soulmate thing.

But late at night, these thoughts came up some time. Especially after a long, draining day when I just wanted someone to hug me. But no one waited for me at home except my dog, so I had plenty of time to think about my currently non-existent love life and moan over it and other tiny bothers.

After the third time of switching up my blanket, I decided that it was no use to stay in bed. I had to do something to get my thoughts off my stupid problems.

Was it really so bad to not have soulmate after all? Even if you had that mark, it didn't ensure that you found them. Plenty of people were in relationships without matching soulmarks and they lived happy lives. More than happy even.

My dog greeted me with an excited bark as I left my bedroom. Danny's tail was wagging furiously and he jumped up on me.

Instantly, my mood changed. Who needed soulmates when you got pets? Could you pet be your soulmate? "Hey buddy."

Another bark and a slobbery tongue were the answer. Danny then proceeded to drag me down with him so I sat on the ground in front of my bedroom door and leaned my back against it while my dog followed my hands.

Eventually, my back started to hurt though so I had to get up. Danny didn't like that and tried to pull me back. He even tried the sad yowling to keep me there. But my back wasn't as young as it once had been (which was pathetic considering that I just passed the 27) and needed stretching.

"Sorry, baby," I apologized guiltily. His ears were hanging low already and these big puppy eyes weren't helping.

Ah fuck it. I wouldn't be able to go to sleep either way. Why not take a little walk then?

"You wanna take a walk buddy?" I crouched down to him and took his head in my hands as I patted his fur.

Danny's tail started wagging again and he took off to the door. Laughing, I followed him and got the leash from the counter. For once, he actually held still for me to put it on him. "Good boy!"

We walked to the park near my apartment; the night was pretty warm for a September day. Still, I was glad that I thought of taking a hoodie with me. Danny didn't mind and jumped around excitedly. As soon as we reached the park, I let him run freely and looked for a bench to sit down.

Eventually, I found one with a perfect view on the park. At day, it was occupied at all times by mothers with huge strollers but now it was empty and I took advantage of that. The night was eerily quiet but I didn't let that bother me. I had a huge dog to defend me in case of attacks (stupid thinking of a potential murder victim but it made me sleep calmer at night). My head was turned into the night breeze, my eyes closed.

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