The Date

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This is part 2/2 for the double update! If you have not read the previous chapter, please go back and do so!! 

"Have you ever seen a shooting star before?" Midoriya questioned as he and the blond laid on their blanket in the grass under the clear night sky.

"Once when I was a little kid, yeah." Bakugo responded as the duo stared up into the clear night sky.

"Is it childish of me that I'm really excited for this?" Midoriya questioned nervously as he struggled to get comfortable on the ground.

"Not at all." The blond replied with a small laugh as he turned his head towards his crush. "I'm glad that you're excited." The blond said with a small smile as he noticed the green haired man moving around uncomfortably. "Here." The blond said gently as he slowly slid his arm under Midoriyas head, causing his head to lay on his chest.

"Thanks." The green haired man replied with a blush as his heart rate began picking up. He turned his gaze towards the blonds face to admire the way his jaw line and prominent cheek bones stood out in the moonlight. Why are my palms sweating so much and why do I feel so nervous? I hardly felt this way with Sero, so why do I feel like this with him? He makes me feel alive and I don't know how much more I can take. I mean, I'm over Sero, but I'm not over what he did to me. Is it wrong of me to fall for someone before I am completely healed from another person? Is it wrong that being with Bakugo makes me feel happy, despite the fact of being miserable because of Sero? Is it bad that he is actually helping me heal and is it bad that I'm actually falling for him?

"If you keep staring at me like that, you're going to miss the whole meteor shower." Bakugo said with a smirk as he felt Midoriya's soft eyes gazing over his face.

"R-right." Midoriya stuttered as he turned his gaze back towards the sky. He honestly didn't care if he ever saw a shooting star. Being with Bakugo was enough for him.

"Have any plans over our week off?" Bakugo questioned as he kept his gaze on the clear sky, which was hard to do considering the handsome man laying on his chest.

"I'm probably going to just work on my case with Yamada." Midoriya replied with a heavy sigh as his eyes found the Draco Constellation in the sky. He used to love star gazing years ago, but he dropped it when he had gotten together with Sero. There were actually a lot of things he loved to do that he had forgotten.

"So he's taking your case for sure then?" Bakugo questioned with a smile. He had spent the last few days looking into lawyers and trying to understand how his trial was going to go.

"Yeah, Uraraka is going to help the best she can. They're considering this as an internship for her, so it's a win win." Midoriya responded with a small sigh as he closed his eyes. He knew the next week was going to be torture and he wasn't looking forward to it at all. Uraraka said they didn't have to go into detail about anything too serious yet, but he couldn't help but worry about the things he had gone through.

"Did you have any plans for your birthday?" The blond questioned, hoping to keep his mind from his ex. He was having a good day so far and he didn't want to ruin that.

"Not really." He whispered in reply. "I don't really want to be out and about, so I might just stay buried in my apartment."

"I guess it's a good thing we live in the same building then." Bakugo replied with a smirk. He had the whole week to spend with his crush from the comfort of either of their homes.

"I actually need to do some shopping tomorrow and see if I can get same day delivery to my apartment. I still don't have any furniture other than what I took from my old apartment. I really don't want to continue to sleep on the floor." He said with a small laugh. He stayed with Bakugo last time, but he didn't want to be a burden and stay there again. He really needed to get his own place set up.

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