Visiting Home

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"You still have almost a month to get something for him Dunce Face." Bakugo spat as he and his friend were cleaning up the bar. They had just closed and they were finishing up their cleaning to head home for the night.

"But he's Shinso and things are going really well between us, I just don't want to get him something that he won't like." Kaminari whined as he finished wiping down the bar.

"It's the thought that counts idiot." Bakugo replied with a heavy sigh. "He would probably prefer something small and meaningful over something that's expensive with no personal meaning." He stated as he walked towards the tables to flip the chairs. He really only needed to sweep and mop, then they were both free.

"What are you doing for Midoriya?" Kaminari questioned as he began helping flip the tables.

"He has two weeks off schools for the holidays, so I know I want to take it somewhere for a small vacation, but I haven't gotten much further than that." He replied with a sigh as his boyfriends face popped into his mind.

"So you're not sure what you're doing yet either?" Kaminari questioned in a relieved sigh, at least he wasn't the only one that hadn't decided anything yet.

"Nope." Bakugo replied with a heavy sigh. He had so many ideas flowing through his head, but he was struggling to pick what he actually wanted to do. He wanted to do something meaningful that his boyfriend would always remember. He doubted he had ever had a great Christmas with Sero and he wanted to give him that. They quickly finished up their work while thinking of what to do for Christmas with their boyfriends. They still had a while to go before Christmas, but they would both feel better once they figured out their plans.

"How are things going with Midoriya?" Kaminari questioned as he grabbed the broom and began sweeping around the tables.

"They're going fine. He's still a little jumpy from time to time. He doesn't know how to be treated properly, so he doesn't know how to react when we I do something that a kind boyfriend would usually do." Bakugo replied with a heavy sigh. He really needed to convince Midoriya to go to therapy. He couldn't help him the way he needed to be helped and it killed him everyday.

"Has he ever had another boyfriend other than Sero?" Kaminari questioned as his friend grabbed the mop and bucket.

"He said he had a few, but they never lasted longer than a month. He just couldn't connect with them." Bakugo replied with a groan as he thought about all the people who had touched his boyfriend.

"But he connected with Sero?" Kaminari scoffed. How could you connect with a guy who severely physically and mentally abused you like that.

"Sero wasn't always an abusive dick head." Bakugo replied with a heavy sigh as he thought back to the first time Midoriya had openly talked about his ex. "He was a good guy in the beginning and made Izuku fall in love with him. After a couple of months, he changed."

"So he loved him enough to stick through the abuse?" The other man questioned as he put the broom away.

"At first when it was just a smack or a punch every few days or weeks, yeah." Bakugo replied as his emotions began leaving his body, making him feel numb. "Then when it turned into torture, he was just probably to scared to actually do anything about it." He replied as he began putting his own supplies away.

"I don't even want to imagine the things he has been through. I wasn't even in that court room, but sometimes the audio would get really loud and we could hear him screaming in those videos." Kaminari commented as he turned off the lights, only leaving one to light a path to the back door.

"It was torture for him and it was hell for everyone to watch them." Bakugo replied quietly as he grabbed the deposit and his stuff.

"Do you need a ride?" Kaminari questioned. Bakugo's car broke down a few days ago and wouldn't be ready until tomorrow.

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