Chapter 3 - Back From the Grave

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"Paul?" John asked slowly, "Is this...really you?" 

Paul looked at John and smiled. "Yes, Johnny, it's really me."

"But how?" George asked. 

"Well, you see....I was driving down to the studio, which is here, and well I wasn't paying attention to the lights. I know, I should've stayed alert. However, I was hit by some driver. Normally, I would have thought that the impact would have killed me, but I was wearing a seatbelt. Which, to my surprise, saved me from smashing my head into the steering wheel as hard as it could have. Instead, I slowly felt my self faint. When I awoke, I was in the hospital. No one was there, but I was strapped up to all these tubes, you see-"

"Wait," John started, "The police officer told us your skull was fractured on the steering wheel, he said you died. We went to your funeral, Paul! I saw it was you!" John began shouting.

"John, John, please calm down. I haven't finished my explanation! Anyway, eventually the doctor came into my room and told me I had been in a coma for a few weeks. I was surprised, I didn't believe that I had lived. When I asked if I could see you, he told me no one had came to see me since I was brought there. I couldn't believe it, I thought you all hated me! Once I recovered a few days later, I came down here to yell at you all. Now I see that you have replaced me..." Paul took a deep breath.

"What? No! We thought you were dead, don't you get it? We only just met this guy today!" John yelled. 

"And your still doesn't answer how we saw your dead body at the morgue, or how we watched you get buried." Ringo added.

"Well, I'm actually not sure how to answer that... I've been a coma ever since the accident." Paul explained.

The room was silent, until John decided to speak up again. "So, you're telling me that someone else that looked like you was in that morgue and buried? We mourned you when you weren't even dead?!" 

"Well, thats your fault!" Paul pouted. 

John was upset but then began laughing. They all looked at him, but he couldn't stop laughing. George grabbed his shoulder, "John?" he asked as tears rolled down John's cheeks. 

"It really is you!" John began to sob. He tried to calm himself down as he walked towards Paul, he was still crying as he wrapped his arms around his friend. "Oh, God, Paul...I thought you had died...I thought I'd never see you again. None of us did!" 

"It's alright, Johnny, I'm here now. I never truly left" Paul whispered as he embraced John. 

Brian, George, and Ringo stood back smiling. It was almost too good to be true, but Paul was back from the dead. William stood back and watched the two of them hug, "So, should I just be on my way then?" The two boys stopped hugging and turned to the man.

"Yeah, we don't need you" John grimiced. 

"Actually, its getting pretty late..." Paul admitted, "I'm actually thinking of heading back home." He shifted his gaze down at the floor.

"But, you've only just come back" John said.

"I'm not leaving again, John. I'm just heading back to my house, as usual. I just think we could all use some sleep. We can come back in the morning." Paul said. 

John frowned but obliged. They said their good-byes and went on their way. John wasn't too sure that he wanted to wait again, but if Paul insisted, then he would listen. 

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