Chapter 6 - Confusion

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There was a knock. Paul groaned and shifted his posistion in the bed. There was another two knocks, this time louder. Paul's eyes shot open. He sat up and got out of bed. He looked back and saw that William had been able to sleep through the annoying hindrance. Paul left the bed room, turned on the lights in the hallway and headed to the front door. He noticed that the two of them had slept until it was dark. Paul had no idea what time it was.

There was another abnoxious thud on the door, "I'm coming, I'm coming!" Paul shouted, "Jeez..."

Paul unlocked and opened the door. John stood there, soaking wet. "Jesus, John!" Paul grabbed the man and pulled him in, "What are you doing here?" Paul asked as he went to find him a towel to dry off with.

John stood in the foyer room, dripping and shivering. "I was just coming to visit you, I didn't expect that you were going to be asleep. It only just got dark."

"I was having a kip" Paul explained as he returned, gave John the towel and made him follow him upstairs. "Go to the bathroom, I'll get you a change of clothes."

"Ta" John grinned and walked to the bathroom. He turned the lights on and sat down on the edge of the bathtub. Paul came into the bathroom with new, dry, clothes. Paul smiled and went back to his room, giving John some privacy.

William was up when Paul returned. "What's that?"

"Hm? Oh, John was at the door. I've let him in, he's changing into dry clothes now..." Paul said and sat down on the bed, facing away from William.

"Is he still angry with you?" William asked.

Paul sighed, "Well, why else would he show up this late without warning?"

William shrugged, though Paul couldn't see him. John eventually poked his head out from behind the door, a grin across his face. John froze. He didn't expect William to be there. He almost thought he might laugh, the two of them just sitting there. Two Pauls. However, he didn't. Looking dissapointed, John's smile faded and he stayed standing in the door way. The door was open slightly, John almost hiding behind it.

Paul noticed his childish behavior. It was almost as if John was afraid of William. Paul couldn't understand why. He knew that John didn't approve of the two of them being together, but John shouldn't be afraid of him.

"What is it, John?" Paul asked, finally. "Why did you come over?"

"What? I can't come over and hang out with my best friend, now?" John grinned, trying to hold back the pain. Did Paul not even want John to be around him anymore? Was he still angry from the fight earlier? John was so upset, but he didn't know how to express it. Having William in both of their lives was horrible for John. For Paul, it was different, Paul actually liked William. John just wanted him to leave and never return.

Paul was confused, was John still angry? Was he trying to find a way to apologize? "Um, of course you can..." Paul said, was this what John wanted to hear?

"Cool" John said. John avoided Paul's gaze. Did this mean they weren't angry at each other anymore?

William sat back and watched as the awkwardness ensued. He was trapped in this mess, and it could end in two ways. Either John and Paul would apologize to one another and be friends again, or they would begin fighting and still hate each other. William thought maybe he could try and settle it. "Hey, let's all be friends here, no need to hate one another"

John glanced up at him. "I don't hate him, I have never hated him in my life," he defended.

Paul turned around to face Wiliam, "We could never hate each other, we just quarrel from time to time, but we could never hate each other." Paul almost scoffed.

"Look, Paul..." John said, looking back to Paul, "I'm sorry for what I said earlier at the studio. You can do whatever you want, be with whomever you want, I don't care. But, I'm just worried. What if the press finds out?"

Paul, still facing William, looked down. He then turned to John and smiled, "The press won't find out, Johnny, I plan to keep it that way"

"Huh" John said, nodding. He left the room without another word. The sound of the front door opening and shuttng was heard downstairs. Followed by the sound of a car starting. Paul looked back to William, "Let's just get some sleep, yeah?"

William nodded and turned off the lamp next to the bed. The two of them got back into bed. Paul closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep quickly. He felt awkward suddenly. Like he didn't want William to be there. Something felt off, he couldn't tell what it was. He shrugged it off and wished for a good night's sleep.

William faced away from Paul, staring at the wall. He felt he had made John hate him worse. Maybe this had all been a mistake, he should have never tried to take the role of Paul McCartney. Even though it was his dream, he was now in a big mess. Not only was he with Paul, but the other Beatles hated him. What if Paul is wrong? What if the press does find out? That would ruin his career, William never wanted that to happen, Paul was his role model. He had to set things right. Tomorrow morning, he knew what he would have to do.

*** Kind of a short chapter, tell me what you think? :-) ***

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