Chapter 2 - Just Calm Down

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Brian ran off into the direction he saw John go. He was upset that John would lash out at the new boy. He knew John was upset, and he had every right to be, but Brian didn't think it was right to hurt the young man. Brian's running soon stopped to a halt when he heard sobbing in the room ahead. 

"John?" He asked quietly as he got closer to the door. It was a soundbooth. He bit his lip, but opened the door and walked in. He saw John huddled up against the wall in the corner. He was curled up into a ball and was crying uncontrollably. "John?" Brian asked again, this time louder so John would hear.

John looked up, startled. "Eppy?" he asked, choking back another sob. 

Brian crouched down next to him. "Hey, c'mon, it's alright." He put his hand on his shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile. John's eyes filled with more tears as he cried out again. "Nothing's alright! Paul's gone and he's never coming back!" 

Brian's heart broke as he saw John break down. John continued crying, his words barely audible through his heaving. After taking a breath he spoke again, "Now this guy just comes waltzing in, pretending to be our friend!" He tried to control himself but he cried out again, this time, to Brian's surprise, John wrapped his arms around Brian. 

Brian requited the embrace, patting John's back slowly. "Hey, John, we all miss him, believe me. There's no way to undo what happened, but now we have to deal with the present. And that man down there is supposed to be joining the Beatles. You can't just go and beat him up."

"It's not fair! I can't do this" John cried, "It's too much to ask for, he looks just like him, Eppy, he's an exact copy..."

"I know, John, its almost creepy," This statement made John chuckle, "but right now, we have to be welcoming. Can you do that for me?"

John pulled back and looked at Brian, "I'm not promising anything" He laughed again and wiped the tears from his face. 

"Do you want to go clean up before going back down?" Brian asked. 

"Y-yeah, sure" John mumbled. Brian helped John up. "I'll be right out here if you need me" John nodded and went into the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. His face was all red and puffy. "Great" he thought as he ran the water from the sink faucet.

Once John was finished, he and Brian made their way back to the studio room. "Brian! John!" George yelled at them from down the hall, "You aren't gonna believe this!" He dissapeared into the studio.

Brian and John exchanged glances and ran to the studio. They stopped abruptly in the doorway. "What the-?" John muttered, "What the hell is going on here?!" John and Brian walked over to where Ringo and George were standing. William was standing just a few feet away, around him, was a young man. He circled around, until he stopped in front of him. He poked his head up and looked up over at his friends. "Bet you weren't expecting to see me, huh?" He said, "Hell, I didn't expect to see myself here already..." He stated looking back at William. 

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