Chapter 5 - Complications

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The next morning, Paul woke up, cleaned himself up, ate breakfast, you know...the usual routine. He was still flustered about last night. Had he really fooled around with that guy? He almost went farther, before realizing he needed to slow down. He sighed as he went to go down to the studio.


The rest of the boys were waiting in the studio for Paul. "Where is he?" John grumbled, "He said he would be here..."

"It's fine, John" George told him, "He's probably just running a little late, it's not like he got into another accident."

John sighed in worry, but it all faded away when the studio door opened.

"Sorry for being late, guys!" Paul laughed as he walked in. John was about to say something, but in came another Paul behind the first.

"What the hell is he doing here?" John asked Paul.

"What d'ya mean?" Paul asked, crossing his arms.

"Why did the copycat follow behind you?" John asked, pointing to William.

"I'm sorry, should I leave, Paul you said it would be alright. I don't want to be here, if I'm not welcome." William said, and hung his head low.

"No, you're staying" Paul told him sternly.

George just glanced at Ringo, and pulled out his guitar. He plucked at it mindlessly, trying to ignore his friends, who were now arguing. Ringo just left the room, trying not to interfere.

William shifted on his feet awkwardly. He was surprised this morning when Paul had shown up at his doorstep, with flowers. He had apologized for his strange behaivor from the night before. Paul had told William to come with him to the studio. He almost declined, but didn't want to give up a second chance to get closer to Paul.

"John! Just stop being a jerk, will ya?" Paul pleaded.

John sighed and walked closer to Paul, "C'mere for a moment" John whispered and brought Paul out into the hall. He made sure the door shut behind them. "What are you doing?" John whispered harshly.

"What do you mean?" Paul asked, "What's so bad about bringing him along?"

"He's a fake, Paul, he was your replacement!"

"And?" Paul pushed on.

"Why are you still talking and hanging out with him? You barely know the guy!" John scolded. He let out a deep breath and crossed his arms.

"I know him well enough!" Paul asserted, lashing his finger at John.

"Well enough? Well enough for what? To be friends?" John asked, "That doesn't matter, Paul. Its just weird, it's like you're hanging out with yourself!"

"But I'm not!" Paul argued, "John, he's not me, he is his own person. I can hang out with him, if I please."

"Did you hang out last night?" John asked, blatantly. His brow raised as he awaited Paul's answer.

"So what if I did?" Paul asked, his lips at a pout.

"Are you actually becoming friends with this guy?!" John laughed at the thought.

"Yes, I am, John. What's so wrong with that?" Paul inquired. He couldn't believe the way John was acting, what was so wrong with hanging out with new people. It's not like William was any different then them. He was kind, funny, and was exactly like himself. Paul thought it was wonderful to have someone that was just like him.

"What did you do, Paul?" John asked, nodding his head at Paul. "Well?"

"What do you mean?" Paul asked. Paul blushed at the idea of John finding out what the two boys had done the other night.

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