Chapter 8 - Gone

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The next morning, Paul awoke and just stared at the ceiling. He didn't want to do anything today, he hadn't got much sleep from the night before and he still felt horrible. Knowing that the others would be at the studio waiting for him made him chuckle. "I'll just keep them waiting," Paul mumbled to himself.


At the studio, the others sat impatiently waiting for Paul. "Where the hell is he?!" John grumbled, "It's been a few hours now, and he still isn't here!"

"Should we go check up on him?" Ringo asked.

"I'm fed up with his bullshit" John shouted, "I'll give him a piece of my mind!"

George looked over at Ringo, worriedly. They got into the car and made their way to Paul's house.



Paul awoke, "What the-?" He sat up in his bed.


"Open the fucking door, McCartney!"

Paul jumped out of bed. He got up too quickly and he began to feel light headed. He sat back down on the bed, regaining his composure.


"Give me a moment!" Paul yelled. He groaned and held his head, he felt a headache coming. He pushed through the pain and made his way downstairs. He hesitated opening the door, what if it was a crazy person? "Who is it?!" Paul asked through the door.

"Just let us in, goddamit!"

Paul could tell that it was John. He unlocked the door and opened it. John stood there, with George and Ringo behind him, his face was flushed from yelling. John shoved past Paul and the other two followed behind. "Where have you been?" John asked.

Paul shut the door and crossed his arms, "I've been in bed."

"With good ol' William?" John taunted.

"No, I've been alone" Paul said, staying calm.

John rose an eyebrow, he starting searching around the house. George and Ringo ignored John and stood awkwardly near the front door. "Hey, we're sorry about this" George muttered to Paul. Paul nodded but looked back to John, who was heading upstairs. Paul had nothing to hide and let him go where ever he wanted. When John returned he seemed disappointed to see that Paul was telling the truth. He walked back over to Paul.

"You're late," John stated.

"And?" Paul asked.

John was baffled by this, Paul McCartney didn't care if he was late? He was always on time and wanted to get started right away. Usually it was John himself who would be late and wouldn't care as much.

"What's gotten into you?" John asked. That's when it hit John, a sudden realization that this wasn't really Paul, it had to be William.

"I'm just-" Paul was cut off.

"Where is he?" John asked, his arms were at his sides calmly, but his fists were clenching.

"What?" Paul asked, "Who? William?"

"No...Where is Paul?" he asked.

"John? Are you alright? He's right here," George said, pointing to Paul.

The three Beatles stared at John, who was now pacing back and forth. "No, don't you see...he's tricking us into believing he's Paul." John mumbled to them. "He's a fake!" John shouted, stomping over to Paul and staring at him closely, "Don't think I didn't notice" he grumbled.

"No, Johnny, look, it's me," Paul said, suddenly he was now more worried about what was going on. He didn't care about making them angry about not showing up. He didn't mind that they hadn't asked him about how he felt, or the fact that he was pushed into this whole mess. He just needed John to trust him.

"I don't believe you," John said dryly, "If you're actually Paul, then where is the fake?"

"He's probably at his house or something..." Paul said, "I guess we'll have to go visit him."

John squinted his eyes at Paul. "Sure," he dragged out, "Whatever you say, Fake."

Paul rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms. He headed towards the door, with the other three following behind. They got into the car, George sat next to Paul in the front seat. "Sorry about John," he whispered.

"It's fine," Paul mumbled and started up the car.

The rest of the ride was silent. They parked down a few feet from William's house. They got out. As they walked up to the front door, John walked out front and raised his fist, he knocked on the door three times.

No answer.

He knocked again, this time with more force. They waited. But there was no answer. "Got anything the say? William?" John asked Paul.

"Back off, John," George retorted.

John scoffed and crossed his arms, "So you're on his side?"

"We're not taking sides, John!" George explained, "Why are you so upset about all this?"

"Because...Because, He shouldn't be here...but Paul keeps bringing him back into our lives!" John admitted, his cheeks red.

"John! Listen to me, I'm sorry." Paul started, "I didn't realize how this would affect anything. I thought it would be okay, but its not. And I know that now. I don't know what came over me, but he's out of our lives now. I told him to go..." Paul avoided their gaze.

"You kicked him out of his house?!" Ringo asked in astonishment.

"What? No!" Paul exclaimed, "I kicked him out if my house."

"He was living with you?" John asked, frustration in his voice.

"Well, no. Not really," Paul explained. "He would come over. We just talked, you know, nothing much."

John eyed Paul. He didn't say a word. George spoke up, "So, is he just not home now?"

"I suppose..." Paul mumbled.

"Let's just leave him alone, Paul says he won't be involved with us anymore. C'mon guys." Ringo said, gesturing them to follow.

George followed behind Ringo, heading back to the car. John didn't move. He continued to glare at Paul. Paul avoided his gaze. He thought about making amends with John, but he didn't think it was a good time. Quietly, Paul walked to the car.

John didn't move.

"Come on, John!" George yelled from the car.

John still didn't move.

George looked over at Ringo, he shrugged. "John!" Ringo shouted, "Are you coming or not?"

John turned to look at them. "Yeah...yeah," he mumbled. He made his way to the car and got in.

The ride home was quiet. Awkward tension filled the air. Paul watched the as the scenery passed by. "I wonder where he is..." Paul thought.

Paul was dropped off first. He exited the car and didn't say goodbye. He went into his house, not looking back at his friends.

Once Paul was sure they drove off, he fell to his knees. He felt like he was breaking. "Agh!" he screamed in frustration. Why did this have to be happening?

His relationship with John was hanging by a thread. At least, George and Ringo were understanding. And William, Paul hadn't seen him since the night before. He hadn't meant to make him upset.

"I just wanted to end this mess..." Paul mumbled to himself.

He looked up. He knew what he had to do.
He had to find William.

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